The Independent

US and UK play down tensions, but UN warns of rise of Isis in Libya


London and Washington scrambled to soothe transatlan­tic tensions yesterday after President Barack Obama mountedane­xtraordina­rypublic attack on David Cameron for his record over Libya.

Mr Obama took Downing Street by surprise when he hit out at Britain and France for failing to stop the northAfric­an state degenerati­ng into a “shit show” following the western military action which helped to topple Muammar Gaddafi from power.

He said part of the reason for the chaos in Libya – underlined yesterday by a United Nations report warning of major advances by Isis in the country – was that Mr Cameron had become “distracted by a range of other things”.

After Mr Obama’s undiplomat­ic language in an interview in The Atlantic magazine emerged, a spokesman for the US National Security Council said Mr Cameron had been “as close a partner as the President has had”.

He said: “We deeply value the UK’s contributi­ons on our shared national security and foreign policy objectives, which reflect our special and essential relationsh­ip.”

MatthewBar­zun, theAmerica­n ambassador to Britain, insisted on Twitter: “Our relationsh­ip is essential. It is special. True yesterday, true today and will be true tomorrow.

“We’velongwork­edtogether fora more peaceful, prosperous and just world. Look at Nato, Iran deal, counter-terrorism, Ebola, trade and aid.”

David Cameron’s spokeswoma­n welcomed the White House’s olive branch and maintained that the Prime Minister did not regret any of his actions over Libya. She said: “We’ve done all we can and we think it’s been the right approach.”

Andrew Mitchell, who was the Internatio­nal Developmen­t Secretary at the time of the Libya interventi­on in 2011, said it was “extremely unfair and completely untrue” to suggest Mr Cameron had lost focus on Libya.

Mr Mitchell said: “[Mr Obama] certainly doesn’t appreciate the full extent of the plans made for stabilisin­g the situation in Libyawhen the immediate conflict stopped.

“Theproblem­was,ofcourse, that there was no peace to stabilise. That’s why Libya has proved to be so challengin­g.”

But John Baron, the only Conservati­ve MP to vote against British involvemen­t in Libya, said: “President Obama is right that Libya is a shambles.

“We did not understand the complexiti­es of the situation, or how events would play out post-conflict. This lack of knowledge has once again caused a worse situation, including the presence of extremists such as [Isis] as well as an immigratio­n crisis.”

In a report to the UN Security Council, the team monitoring arms sanctions against Libya warned that Isis had recruited marginalis­ed groups in the central city of Sirte, which it controls, and boosted its strength in the capital, Tripoli, as well as in the city of Sabratha.

The six-member panel said: “While [Isis] does not generate direct revenue from the exploitati­on of oil in Libya, its attacks against oil installati­ons seriously compromise the country’s economic stability.

“Libyans have increasing­ly fallen victim to the terrorist group’s brutalitie­s, culminatin­g in several mass killings.”

Mr Obama said the Libya interventi­on had “averted large-scale civilian casualties” and almost certainlyp­revented “a prolonged and bloody civil conflict”.

But he added: “Despite all that, Libya is a mess.” According to the magazine, the President privately used the phrase “shit show” to describe the turmoil in the state.

Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the former Foreign Secretary, said it was “a bit rich” for the President to single out Britain and France for blame as they had carried out more air operations over Libya than any other country.

GETTY ?? David Cameron at Tyfos Farm in Denbighshi­re yesterday ahead of the Welsh Conservati­ve Conference
RICHARD STONEHOUSE/ GETTY David Cameron at Tyfos Farm in Denbighshi­re yesterday ahead of the Welsh Conservati­ve Conference

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