The Independent

‘Brexit will take us back to Costa del Crime days’

UK would lose EU-wide arrests, warns In camp – but Leave says it is scaremonge­ring


Brexit campaigner­s have been accused of putting internatio­nal security co-operation at risk, after the Home Office disclosed that nearly 140 suspected criminalsw­ere brought back to Britain to face justice last year under a European Union system.

In the past six years, 785 European Arrest Warrants have been served by police forces to repatriate UK nationals accused of crime and terrorism from other member nations. But this mechanism would come to an end if Britain left the EU.

Over the same period, 6,165 suspected offenders have been removed from Britain to stand trial in their home countries following requests from European courts.

In 2014-15, 138 people were returned to Britain under the system, while 1,093 foreign suspects were sent back to other EU countries.

The heavy use of the warrant system –which has long been criticised by Euroscepti­c campaigner­s – emerged in a written answer by the Home Office minister James Brokenshir­e, received by the Liberal Democrats.

Tim Farron, the party’s leader, told The Independen­t: “Working together to catch criminals shows why we need to lead in Europe and not leave. This vital co-operation would be put at risk if we vote to leave. For all these supposedly ‘law and order’ Conservati­ves to turn their backs on that shows how determined they are to pull up the drawbridge. They seem to want to go back to the bad old days of the Costa del Crime.”

Sir Hugh Orde, former president of the Associatio­n of Chief Police Officers, said: “These new figures demonstrat­e why being in Europe is so vital to the safety of Britain’s streets. For our police forces, the ability to quickly deport foreign criminals, and bring villains back to face British justice, is invaluable.

“If we vote to leave ... we will no longer be able to use this crucial tool to fight crime.”

Leave campaigner­s retort that the warrant system is open to abuse because it current spending needs to be restrained.”

Labour’s new rules are different from the Government’s fiscal mandate in that they exclude capital investment from the five-year rolling target for budget balance. This means Labour could meet its rules while spending more on infrastruc­ture than the Chancellor, who is pledged an absolute surplus by 2019-20. assumes common standards of justice across Europe and does not have enough safeguards against mistaken identity and people being pursued on flimsy evidence.

In 2014 the coalition government withdrew from more than 130 EU criminal justice measures and immediatel­y opted back in to 35 which it believed benefited Britain.

Theresa May, the Home Secretary, is a strong advo-

SimonWalke­r, director general of the Institute of Directors, welcomed Mr McDonnell’s statement he is not in favour of excessive spending, but added: “Fiscal rules are less important than trust that a party will not give into the temptation always to increase spending and borrowing.”

Chuka Umunna, the former shadow business secretary, was positive. “I welcome the recognitio­n that it’s possible to improve our economic credibilit­y without capitulati­ng to Osborne’s austerity” he said. But Mr Umunna noted that, not long ago, Labour moderates such as him who were arguing the party needed to do more to bolster its economic credibilit­y and to tone down the anti-cuts rhetoric were being branded “red Tories” by some close to the leadership. “Tonally this is a recognitio­n that what we were saying is right” he said. cate of the warrant system for detaining terrorists and breaking up paedophile networks, after forcing through changes to prevent its indiscrimi­nate use.

Data from the National Crime Agency shows the largest number of arrests of wanted people under the warrants takes place in Spain, followed by Ireland and the Netherland­s.

Meanwhile,DavidCamer­on took his campaign for a vote on 23 June to stay in the EU to the Welsh Tory conference yesterday, where he argued British farmers could “suffer enormously” if the UK leaves.

The London Mayor, Boris Johnson, told a rally in Dartford, Kent, that Britain could adopt a Canadian-style trade deal with the EU if it voted to go. But Mr Cameron retorted that the proposed Canadian deal was still not in force seven years after negotiatio­ns began on its detail.

Tony Blair called on the proEU side to “get out there with a bit of passion and vigour” to make the case for membership. However, he conceded it might be counterpro­ductive to the cause if he himself took part in the campaignin­g.

Mr Cameron suffered a setback when a senior Conservati­ve MEP, Syed Kamall, who helped him negotiate last month’s new deal over Britain’s relationsh­ip with Brussels, announced he was backing Brexit.

Mr Kamall, chairman of the Conservati­ves and Reformists Group in Strasbourg, told the London Evening Standard he had “really struggled” with his decision but had been swayed by EU rules preventing talented non-European migrants from working in Britain.

Leading Leave campaigner­s yesterday stepped up accusation­s that their opponents were guilty of scaremonge­ring.

Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, said: “I listen to these endless comments and speeches about the dire warnings, they are almost biblical; you are expecting a plague of frogs and the death of the first-born.”

 ?? STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA ?? Boris Johnson during a Vote Leave event at the Europa Worldwide freight firm in Dartford, Kent, yesterday
STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA Boris Johnson during a Vote Leave event at the Europa Worldwide freight firm in Dartford, Kent, yesterday
 ??  ?? John McDonnell has vowed ‘responsibl­e’ spending rules
John McDonnell has vowed ‘responsibl­e’ spending rules

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