The Independent

Former Israeli President Shimon Peres dies at 93 after suffering stroke


Former Israeli President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres, a founding father of the country celebrated around the world as a visionary for peace, has died at the age of 93. The Sheba Medical Centre in Tel Aviv announced Mr Peres’s death at 3.40am yesterday morning, according to the official government Israel New Agency.

US President Barack Obama led tributes to the Israeli statesman, whom he described as a friend and the

“essence of Israel itself,” saying: “A light has gone out, but the hope he gave us will burn forever”. Prime Minister Theresa May joined Mr Obama in calling Mr Peres a “courageous and visionary statesman” who “worked relentless­ly for peace and never lost hope that this would one day be achievable”. Palestinia­n Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas said Mr Peres was “a partner in making the peace of the brave”, also praising his devotion to peace efforts. Mr Peres, who evolved during his 66-year-long career in politics to become an indefatiga­ble campaigner for Middle East peace, jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for brokering the historic Oslo interim peace accords with the Palestinia­n leadership. He continued to work on programmes promoting IsraeliAra­b co-existence after he retired from politics in 2014.

Mr Peres was hospitalis­ed following a stroke two weeks ago which led to bleeding in his brain. He was sedated and on life support before he condition suddenly worsened early yesterday morning. The Peres family physician said the statesman passed away without suffering.

Bill Clinton, who was US president when Mr Peres, then foreign minister, and Palestinia­n leader Yasser Arafat famously shook hands on the White House lawn in 1993 during the Oslo agreement talks, said in a joint statement with wife and Democratic presidenti­al nominee Hillary Clinton: “I’ll never forget how happy he was 23 years ago when he signed the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn, heralding a more hopeful era in Israeli-Palestinia­n relations.” Then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzahk Rabin, Mr Arafat and Mr Peres jointly shared the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts.

“He was a genius with a big heart who used his gifts to imagine a future of reconcilia­tion not conflict, economic and social empowermen­t not anger and frustratio­n, and a nation, a region, and a world enhanced by caring and sharing, not torn asunder by the illusions of permanent dominance and perfect truth,” the Clintons’s statement said. “His critics called him a dreamer. That he was – a lucid, eloquent dreamer until the very end. Thank goodness. Let those of us who loved him and love his nation keep his dream alive.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised Mr Peres despite their deep ideologica­l difference­s, expressing “deep personal grief at the passing of the beloved of the nation”. And the Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, described him as a “true giant amongst men”. Mr Mirvis added: “There will be countless tributes to Shimon Peres over the coming days, but I fear that few, if any, will adequately capture the palpable sense of collective grief felt across the world, nor do justice to the memory of a true giant amongst men.”

“It is true that Shimon Peres was a great statesman. He was the noblest of soldiers, a born leader, a uniquely talented diplomat, an inspiring speaker and a relentless campaigner. But, more significan­tly than any of those things, Shimon Peres was the greatest living example of an unshakable belief in the pursuit of peace against all odds.”

The Clintons and many other world leaders and dignitarie­s are expected to attend Mr Peres’s funeral, which Israeli media said would be held tomorrow. Mr Peres will lie in state in the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, as per his wishes, before a state funeral at the country’s national cemetery in Jerusalem.

Mr Peres had been involved in Israeli politics for seven decades. He served seven terms as Israel’s president until his 2014 retirement, and served in the majority of Cabinet positions throughout his career –

including three terms as Prime Minister. He founded the Peres Centre for Peace, which promoted harmony between Israelis and Palestinia­ns, continuing his work at the centre right up until his death.

 ??  ?? Mr Peres signed the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn in 1993, when Bill Clinton was still President (AFP/Getty)
Mr Peres signed the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn in 1993, when Bill Clinton was still President (AFP/Getty)
 ??  ?? Mr Arafat and Mr Peres were jointly handed the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo (AFP/Getty)
Mr Arafat and Mr Peres were jointly handed the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo (AFP/Getty)
 ??  ?? The Nobel Peace Prize winner is being remembered around the world as a visionary for peace
The Nobel Peace Prize winner is being remembered around the world as a visionary for peace

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