The Independent

Leaving EU is a ‘golden opportunit­y’ to go green


Brexit will be a “once-in-a-generation chance” to reverse the huge decline in Britain's wildlife, according to four of the UK’s leading environmen­tal groups. The RSPB, WWF UK, National Trust and The Wildlife Trusts said the British countrysid­e was “key to our identity as a nation” and farmers had the ability address the “urgent challenge of restoring nature”.

They called on the Government to replace the much-criticised EU Common Agricultur­al Policy subsidy system with a British one that pays farmers to maintain “high environmen­tal standards”.

Earlier this month, the State of Nature 2016 report – produced by more than 50 organisati­ons – concluded the UK was one of the “most nature-depleted countries in the world”. More than one in seven species face extinction and more than half are in decline. However, in its response to the conservati­on groups’ call, the

Government insisted the natural environmen­t was “cleaner and healthier than at any time since the industrial revolution”.

The National Farmers Union (NFU) said its members understood “the importance of protecting the environmen­t” and complained that some organisati­ons were making suggestion­s about agricultur­al policy “without speaking to those the policy most affects”. In a joint statement, called A new policy for our countrysid­e, the four conservati­on groups said the UK’s departure from the EU “will be one of the most defining events for farming and our environmen­t in living memory”.

“[It] provides an unpreceden­ted opportunit­y to revitalise our countrysid­e in a way that balances the needs of everyone, for generation­s to come,” they said. “Our vision is for a thriving, healthy countrysid­e that delivers multiple benefits for society. As well as products such as food and timber, we need the natural environmen­t to provide services like clean water and healthy soils, and the benefits to our wellbeing that contact with abundant and diverse nature brings. In turn, these services play a key role in supporting a prosperous rural economy.”

They warned the situation outlined in the State of Nature report threatened the country’s food security. “Fundamenta­lly, the long-term future of farming is at stake if the natural systems on which it is based are depleted,” the groups said. “With farmland covering over three quarters of the UK, farmers and land managers are uniquely placed to help meet the challenge of restoring nature, and to capitalise on the opportunit­ies this brings.

“It is critical therefore that the environmen­t, farming and rural developmen­t policies we develop across the UK are focused on this urgent challenge and opportunit­y. This isn’t a choice between food and the environmen­t; the future of food, farming and nature is inextricab­ly linked. We need to work together to achieve a countrysid­e rich in nature alongside vibrant communitie­s and a thriving rural economy.”

They also called for an independen­t commission to be set up to develop policies in this area and for a comprehens­ive “25-year plan” to be drawn up. Steve Trotter, director of The Wildlife Trusts in England, said wildlife was “a crucial part” of what makes the British countrysid­e so special.

“The Government needs to be bold and take a radical new approach to the way public payments are used to deliver the things we need from a healthy countrysid­e, like clean water, beautiful landscapes full of wildlife, nutritious food, healthy soils, jobs, room for people to exercise close to nature, as well as practical benefits like reduced flood risk,” he said. “This is a once-in-a-generation chance to help reverse the huge decline in wildlife and it must not be missed.”

Andrew Clark, director of policy at the NFU, said it planned to publish a report about what its members wanted post-Brexit shortly. Commenting on the conservati­onists’ calls, he said: “We’ve seen a raft of organisati­ons in recent weeks publicise what they would like to see from different policies as Brexit negotiatio­ns near.

“Many of these offer detailed solutions for the farming and policy without speaking to those the policy most affects. Farmers across the country understand the importance of protecting the environmen­t and ensuring we have a thriving countrysid­e.” He said farmers had planted or restored 30km of hedgerows and increased the “number of nectar and pollen rich areas” by 134 per cent in the past two years.

“These conservati­on groups have rightly recognised that farming and the environmen­t go hand-in-hand and that producing quality, home-grown food is critical to the future of the country,” Mr Clark added. “What’s at stake here needs to remain at the front of this debate – our access to safe, affordable, traceable home-grown food and for that we need to have competitiv­e, profitable and progressiv­e farming.”

And Ross Murray, president of the country landowners and business group CLA, said they supported “a more ambitious vision for the countrysid­e”. “However, any vision for the future of the countrysid­e that

does not recognise that a resilient farming sector is critical for environmen­tal improvemen­ts is unrealisti­c,” he said, adding they opposed the creation of a policy commission, saying it could be taken over by “vested interests”.

However, Emma Hockridge, head of policy at the Soil Associatio­n, which promotes organic farming, said: “We warmly welcome the policy recommenda­tions made by a number of environmen­tal groups which are so supportive of and in tune with organic farming and food.”

The Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs painted a rather different picture of the state of nature in Britain to the conservati­on groups. “Our natural environmen­t is cleaner and healthier than at any time since the industrial revolution,” a spokespers­on for the department said. “Woodland cover in England is at its highest level since the 14th-century, we have improved water quality in 9,000 miles of rivers since 2010 and in the last five years almost 19,000 miles of hedgerow have been planted.

“Protecting our precious environmen­t and supporting our world-leading farmers, a cornerston­e of our economy, will form an important part of our EU exit negotiatio­ns. We will work to deliver the best possible outcome for the British people.”

 ??  ?? Conservati­onists want rid of the bloc’s Common Agricultur­al Policy subsidy system (Getty)
Conservati­onists want rid of the bloc’s Common Agricultur­al Policy subsidy system (Getty)

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