The Independent

Carey Mulligan joins calls for Government action on child victims of Syrian war


Britain can lead the way in efforts to address the plight of children caught up in the Syrian conflict, actress Carey Mulligan has said. She joined hundreds of people gathered in central London to call for the Government to take decisive action to end the bloodshed in the war-ravaged country.

The crowd included children wearing “Save Aleppo” T-shirts and other people flying Syrian flags or carrying placards urging a “No bomb zone now”.

The Great Gatsby star joined yesterday's demonstrat­ion opposite the gates to Downing Street, where teddy bears were later laid in a poignant message from campaigner­s about the human cost of the longrunnin­g conflict.

A small light brown-coloured teddy belonging to her one-year-old daughter Evelyn was amongst the pile, and she told how becoming a parent has motivated her to raise awareness and to help.

She said: “I brought one of my daughter's teddy bears here today and ever since having my child – I've worked with War Child for a couple of years now – but since having my daughter, it just drives home even more how unimaginab­le it would be for her to be in any of these situations and to have to deal with any of this.

“It just really drives me to speak out and do more if I can.”

She described the demonstrat­ion as the opportunit­y to “stand up and say that we need to do something real”.

Mulligan, an ambassador for War Child, has previously spoken out saying that the inaction in Calais – where many unaccompan­ied refugee children have become stranded in the so-called Jungle camp – made her ashamed to be British. But she said the arrival of young refugees in Croydon in recent days helped restore some of her faith. She added: “I feel very proud to be British in this regard. We have made a strong stance this week.”

She said: "I think we really can lead the way here and we can lead people and work with our internatio­nal allies to come up with a robust plan to finally put this to an end.”

She recalled the night-time ritual of putting her daughter to bed and told the gathered crowd: “I'm safe in the knowledge that when I put Evie down to bed she is safe." She added: “The parents in Aleppo aren't. They don't know what the night will bring.”

As well as the protest, a letter was delivered to Number 10 demanding Theresa May take action to help end the violence.

It comes after the Prime Minister on Friday insisted the EU must keep “all options” open if Russia continues to commit atrocities in the conflict zone. Campaigner­s said the day of action was a rebuttal to Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's call for protests outside the Russian embassy, as they feel the British Government needs to play a stronger role itself.

Labour MP Alison McGovern's voice broke with emotion as she remembered the work of her friend, the late Jo Cox MP, helping civilians in Syria.

She told the rally: “It shouldn't be me who is speaking here today, it should be my friend Jo Cox. But because she isn't here, we have to be here." And she added: "Fifty thousand children have been killed in Syria since 2011, and millions have fled their homes. There are 100,000 children trapped right now in Aleppo.”

Among the other organisati­ons involved in the campaign are Amnesty Internatio­nal UK, Avaaz and Christian Aid. Bert Wander, Avaaz campaign director, said: “The bloodbath in Aleppo has gone on long enough, and Theresa May must listen to the people on the streets and support a no-fly zone to stop the slaughter.

“How many schools, hospitals and families must be bombed before Syria becomes a priority? If the prime minister fails to act, history will judge her harshly.”

 ??  ?? Mulligan joins protesters outside Downing Street
Mulligan joins protesters outside Downing Street
 ??  ?? Carey Mulligan places a teddy bear with others left outside Downing Street
Carey Mulligan places a teddy bear with others left outside Downing Street

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