The Independent

Immigratio­n from EU has plateaued since referendum


Signs are growing that inflows of European Union workers to the UK have peaked, just as Prime Minister Theresa May is due to trigger Article 50 to commence the Brexit divorce process. In an analysis published by the Resolution Foundation, the think tank highlights official data showing that new National Insurance registrati­ons by EU migrants have plateaued since the referendum. It also points to data from the Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) Labour Force survey, which shows the number of EU workers recorded in the UK appears to have peaked. Provisiona­l net immigratio­n figures released in February from the ONS also point to a slower rate of EU immigratio­n to the UK in the third quarter of last year, directly after the referendum. Net long-term internatio­nal migration from EU citizens was estimated to be 165,000, down from 189,000 in the previous quarter.

NI registrati­ons plateau

“Given that all three sources point to falling or plateauing migration flows, or indeed actually falling migrant worker numbers, we can be fairly confident that a shift is underway,” said Stephen Clarke, an analyst at the think tank. There have been reports of labour shortages from sectors such as farming and road haulage, which are particular­ly reliant on EU workers.

EU worker numbers down

The latest report from the Bank of England’s network of regional agents this week said there was “little evidence” yet of EU migrants leaving due to Brexit. But it added that some had left due to the 13 per cent trade weighted slump in sterling since the referendum vote, which had reduced the value of their repatriate­d earnings. And the agents related reports from firms of difficulti­es recruiting new EU workers “due to a shrinking pool of candidates”.

EU net migration lower

Ms May has interprete­d the Brexit vote as a mandate to end EU freedom of movement. In January, she said that the UK would have to leave the single market because the rest of the European Union had made it clear that it would not negotiate over freedom of movement for EU workers. The Prime Minister has said she will invoke Article 50 on 29 March.

 ??  ?? Migration flows appear to be plateauing, leaving labour-reliant sectors understaff­ed (Resolution Foundation)
Migration flows appear to be plateauing, leaving labour-reliant sectors understaff­ed (Resolution Foundation)
 ??  ?? Immigratio­n to the UK started to slow down directly after the referendum (Resolution Foundation)
Immigratio­n to the UK started to slow down directly after the referendum (Resolution Foundation)
 ??  ?? British farmers reliant on EU workers have seen their workforce drop by 60 per cent (AP)
British farmers reliant on EU workers have seen their workforce drop by 60 per cent (AP)
 ??  ?? Companies have reported difficulti­es recruiting EU workers because of a shrinking pool of candidates (ONS)
Companies have reported difficulti­es recruiting EU workers because of a shrinking pool of candidates (ONS)

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