The Independent

Remainer Tory MPs quit Open Britain over plan to unseat Brexit colleagues


Three Remain-supporting Conservati­ve MPs have quit the Open Britain campaign group after it launched a bid to unseat Euroscepti­c Tory MPs. Anna Soubry, Nicky Morgan and Dominic Grieve said it would be “untenable for us to play any further role” in an organising campaignin­g against parts of their political party.

Open Britain had released a list of target seats to attack that included four Conservati­ves, including former cabinet ministers Iain Duncan Smith and Theresa Villiers. The Tory party constituti­on forbids campaignin­g against its own candidates. Senior Tories criticised the move, with Tim Montgomeri­e, former editor of Conservati­ve-Home, calling for the MPs to be expelled.

The three MPs announced they were quitting involvemen­t with the campaign group in a joint statement. “As long-standing Conservati­ve Party members and MPs it is untenable for us to play any further role in an organisati­on, such as Open Britain, which is advocating campaignin­g against Conservati­ve MPs or candidates,” they said. “l and we will not be doing so. Nicky Morgan, Anna Soubry and Dominic Grieve.”

Other hard Brexit-supporting MPs targeted by Open Britain include Charlotte Leslie, Steve Baker, Caroline Ansell and David Burrowes. The only Labour MP on the list was Kate Hoey.

A spokesman for Open Britain said: “It is understand­able that during an election campaign, political difference­s between members of different parties become magnified. Open Britain represents activists from all political persuasion­s who want to campaign against a hard Brexit and for a continued close relationsh­ip with Europe. As a grassroots organisati­on, we’ve had thousands of emails from our supporters asking how and where they should campaign during the general election and we are trying to direct them to where they can make the biggest difference in the fight against hard Brexit.

“The Government have made this into a Brexit election, so it would be surprising if Open Britain’s volunteers did want to get involved. There is no way of getting involved in an election like this, without campaignin­g for or against members of one party or another, so it was always going to disappoint some within a cross-party organisati­on. Our key seats list will continue to include support for those willing to campaign against hard Brexit from across the political spectrum. It has been a pleasure to work with some fantastic Conservati­ve MPs in recent months and our door will always be open after the election to any that want to work with us in the future.”

 ??  ?? Former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan is among MPs to walk away from the group (Getty)
Former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan is among MPs to walk away from the group (Getty)

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