The Independent

British ‘hacker’ Lauri Love can appeal extraditio­n to US, solicitors announce


Lauri Love, the alleged computer hacker, has been allowed to challenge his extraditio­n to the US. Authoritie­s in America want Mr Love, who has Asperger syndrome, to face trial on charges of cyber hacking. But his lawyers say that could mean a sentence of up to 99 years in prison if he is found guilty, and that he would not be able to cope with such punishment.

The 32-year-old activist is alleged by the US to have stolen huge amounts of data from US agencies

including the Federal Reserve, the US Army, the Department of Defence, Nasa and the FBI in a spate of online attacks in 2012 and 2013.

His solicitors, Kaim Todner, announced in a statement yesterday that they had obtained permission for Mr Love to appeal against extraditio­n. No date has yet been set for the challenge, which will be heard at the High Court in London.

Karen Todner, Mr Love’s lawyer, said in the statement: “The reason permission has been granted is that the High Court acknowledg­e that the grounds raised some issues of great importance. We are delighted for this news for Lauri and will continue to do everything we can to ensure prevention of his extraditio­n to the United States of America.”

Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, authorised his extraditio­n to the US last year. The Home Office said Ms Rudd had “carefully considered all relevant matters” before signing an order for Mr Love’s extraditio­n.

 ??  ?? The High Court acknowledg­ed that issues of ‘great importance’ were involved in Mr Love’s case, solicitors said (AP)
The High Court acknowledg­ed that issues of ‘great importance’ were involved in Mr Love’s case, solicitors said (AP)

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