The Independent

Macron denounces ‘lying propaganda’ of Russian media as he hosts Putin


Emmanuel Macron rolled out the red carpet for Vladimir Putin yesterday, but past suspicions of Moscow’s meddling in the French election resurfaced with Mr Macron denouncing Russian media. The newlyelect­ed French President hosted Mr Putin at the sumptuous 17th century palace of Versailles outside Paris for his first meeting with the Kremlin leader.

The French President and Mr Putin exchanged a cordial, businessli­ke handshake and smiles when the latter stepped from his limousine, with Mr Macron appearing to say “welcome” to him. When they emerged from talks, which went on for almost an hour longer than scheduled, Mr Macron said they had had a “frank exchange” and both men stressed they had agreed on the need to move forward on divisive issues such as Syria and Ukraine.

But at a joint news conference after their talks, ill-feeling came to the surface over past allegation­s made by Mr Macron’s camp that state-funded Russian news outlets had sought to destabilis­e his campaign. With Mr Putin alongside him, Macron repeated the accusation in a reply to a journalist’s question, saying: “During the campaign, Russia Today and Sputnik were agents of influence which on several occasions spread fake news about me personally and my campaign. They behaved like organs of influence, of propaganda and of lying propaganda.”

During the campaign, which climaxed with Mr Macron’s election on 7 May, the French President’s camp irritated the Kremlin by saying its campaign’s networks, databases and sites had come under attack from locations inside Russia. When his camp barred journalist­s from the two Russian outlets from Mr Macron’s headquarte­rs, a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoma­n denounced the move as “outrageous ... bare-faced discrimina­tion”. The Kremlin and RT itself have rejected allegation­s of meddling in the election.

Mr Putin did not react to Macron’s comments about the Russian media, but he bristled when a journalist suggested that Moscow’s hand was behind cyber attacks on the Macron campaign. These hacking allegation­s, he said, were not based on facts. The Kremlin appeared to favour Mr Macron’s far-right opponent Marine Le Pen for the presidency during the campaign – a view reinforced when Mr Putin granted her an audience a month before the election’s first round. This did not indicate an attempt to influence the outcome of election, though, Mr Putin said.

“We are ready to receive any person, always. If Madame Le Pen asked to meet us, why would we want to refuse her? The more so since she always publicly spoke out for developing relations with our country. It would be strange for us to refuse her,” he said. However, both sides sought to present Mr Putin’s visit, which was intended to mark 300 years since Tsar Peter the Great visited France, as an occasion to relaunch Franco-Russian relations. Mr Macron, who took office two weeks ago, has said dialogue with Russia is vital in tackling a number of internatio­nal disputes. Neverthele­ss, relations have been beset by mistrust, with Paris and Moscow backing opposing sides in the Syrian civil war and at odds over the Ukraine conflict.

Mr Macron, whose country is part of a Western coalition that supports rebel groups and has accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of using chemical weapons, said any further use of chemical weapons in Syria was a red line for France which would result in reprisals. But he said he wanted France and Russia to boost sharing of intelligen­ce in working together to find a political solution to the conflict. Sounding less forthcomin­g, Mr Putin said he was not sure if France’s Syria policy was “independen­t” because it was part of a US-led alliance, adding that Paris and Moscow had both points of disagreeme­nt and agreement over Syria.

Mr Macron also said he and Mr Putin agreed the time was right for a new round of peace talks on Ukraine. The French President made no mention of Western sanctions on Russia over Ukraine, though Mr Putin repeated Moscow’s view that their continued enforcemen­t would not help stabilise the situation in Ukraine’s east. Mr Macron said he had also brought up the plight of gay men in Chechnya following Russian media reports of torture and Mr Putin had agreed to “look into the activities of local authoritie­s”.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? The two leaders had a ‘frank exchange’ yesterday in their first meeting together
(Reuters) The two leaders had a ‘frank exchange’ yesterday in their first meeting together

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