The Independent

How can BBC presenters be worth the money?


When I watch a TV programme, I do it because of the content of the programme, not because of the personalit­y or ability of the presenter.

Sadly, in a high proportion of cases, the quality of the presenter’s performanc­e, possibly following stage instructio­ns, appals me so much that I turn off. Why does the BBC keep them so long, with annual increments to their high salaries?

I imagine that many could nominate lots of people who would be prepared to do the job at a lower salary for a shorter period without seeking stardom.

Ian Turnbull Cumbria

The “talented” – be they media presenters, sports stars or banking chief executives – apparently are mainly motivated by higher and higher remunerati­on packages and are talented at securing them and usually at hiding them.

Might we not prefer people who are not so motivated and not so talented, but who have a sense of fairness and who would feel ashamed at receiving such vast sums compared with those of nurses, carers, cleaners and teachers?

Peter Cave London W1

The answer to unequal salaries seems to be to pay men less, as the BBC suggest. This is totally illogical; surely it is to pay women the same as men for doing the same job.

Equal pay should mean women getting paid more, not men less just to equalise injustice. Gary Martin London E17

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