The Independent

The world’s economic crises are reaching boiling point – and results could be deadly


In nature, phase transition­s describe changes in states of matter. Depending on temperatur­e, H20 can exist as solid (ice), liquid (water) or gas (water vapour). Societal crises behave similarly. Today, our economic problems have morphed into their social and political phases.

The economic issues are well understood. Growth is flagging. Inflation is low. The attempt to boost economic activity using debt and financiali­sation has created a large debt overhang which is proving intractabl­e. Productivi­ty improvemen­ts have decreased. Growth in trade and capital flows, which underpinne­d rising prosperity, is slowing. Entitlemen­t systems, which assumed strong growth and different demographi­cs, are now compromise­d.

Following the economic crisis of 2008, government debt levels in many advanced economies rose as government­s sought to rescue the financial system and boost demand. The cure – in the form of oldfashion­ed pump-priming, interest rate cuts and more unconventi­onal monetary policies (QE and negative interest rates) – have not dealt with the underlying pathology of the problems. There are side effects, such as inflated asset values and financial system weaknesses.

The economic problems have exposed long-standing social issues. Concern about employment, especially the quality of jobs, and stagnant incomes has created a backlash against globalisat­ion and trade. Retrenchme­nt of social services has affected living standards.

Housing affordabil­ity has declined due, in part, to inflated property values resulting from excess liquidity. Savings and retirement plans in many countries are threatened by low interest rates on safe investment­s. Inequality and concentrat­ion of wealth has risen.

The problems have now entered the political phase. Policy responses place a disproport­ionate share of the adjustment on the less affluent and the aged. High youth unemployme­nt and rising education costs mean diminishin­g opportunit­ies for the young. The inability of government­s to deliver on promises to restore growth and prosperity in return for sacrifice has also become apparent.

The rise of populist movements, and the growth of nationalis­m and xenophobia in many countries, reflects this dissatisfa­ction. Brexit is symptomati­c of these pressures.

In the coming months, these same forces will inform a number of key events. It will be the background to the US Presidenti­al election, where the campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have channelled these concerns in different ways.

Italy is scheduled to hold a constituti­onal referendum in October 2016. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, already under increasing pressure from the anti-EU Five Star party, has threatened to resign if his reforms are rejected. A long running banking crisis also imperils the government. The EU bank regime requires the write down of debt which would result in politicall­y damaging losses to small investors. But, if the Italian government moves to support banks directly, it will come into direct conflict with the EU.

Spain has not had a government since December 2015, after two elections as a divided electorate has failed to deliver a clear mandate. Elections are scheduled for 2017 in Germany and France, where far-right parties have tapped into discontent to increase their support. A number of Eastern European nations plan plebiscite­s on immigratio­n which will exacerbate the EU’s internal divisions.

Even if they are unlikely to gain power in their own right, far-right and left political parties or movements are reshaping agendas. Ukip (which, remember, has only one elected member in the House of Commons) was influentia­l in the EU referendum. Facing a voter backlash, mainstream political parties are being forced to alter policies on public finance, trade, immigratio­n, internatio­nal coordinati­on and national sovereignt­y.

The political reaction to Brexit is revealing. There are suggestion­s that legal and parliament­ary stratagems should be used to negate the result of the UK plebiscite.

Politician­s argue that a complex question had been reduced to absurd simplicity. A simple majority of those who voted was too low a bar. Important decisions should not be for voters but left to informed

elected officials and experts to avoid bad choices. There are proposals that only people who meet some minimum standard should be permitted to vote. (For the record, 36 per cent of eligible voters voted for leaving – a level higher than the vote required in recent years to gain the most powerful political position on the planet: the US presidency.)

Repression to supress rising dissent is reckless. Politician­s must tackle the deep seated problems in the economic and social system. They must deal with large portions of the population who fear for their own and their children’s future. They must address the concerns of angry citizens who feel humiliated, ignored and uncertain of their identity.

As Winston Churchill observed, democracy, while far from perfect, is the worst form of Government except all other alternativ­es that have been tried.

In nature, there is a fourth stage of matter – plasma – which occurs at very high temperatur­es. It can be unstable and deadly. Political crises, if not managed, can similarly become dangerous.

Examining the Great Depression, historians found that the destructio­n of the middle classes was crucial to the rise of fascism, communism and militarism. Disaffecte­d ordinary people who had lost their jobs, savings and hope turned to populist demagogues for salvation.

Politician­s and policy makers in advanced economies must be careful not to repeat this history.

Satyajit Das is a former banker. His latest book is 'A Banquet of Consequenc­es', published in North America as 'The Age of Stagnation'. He is also the author of 'Extreme Money' and 'Traders, Guns & Money'

 ??  ?? Niche parties, like Ukip, can have a huge influence over politics at a time of crisis (AFP/Getty)
Niche parties, like Ukip, can have a huge influence over politics at a time of crisis (AFP/Getty)
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