The Jewish Chronicle

Repressive aspect of occupation must stop


IN THE week in which the IsraeliPal­estinian talks appear to be collapsing, it is worth re-examining some of the factors that have led to a breakdown in the peace process time and again.

In 1977, Yigael Yadin, the second chief of staff of the IDF, expressed the dilemma that has faced every Israeli administra­tion in two brilliant sentences. He said: “I believe in a Jewish democratic state in an area of what once was Mandated Palestine. If I keep a million Arabs [today read 3.5 million] in it, by force, it cannot be democratic, and if I enfranchis­e them it shall not long remain Jewish.”

Why is this dilemma so hard to resolve?

One consistent obstructio­n has been the Palestinia­ns’ long-standing insistence on a right of return for the refugees of 1948-49. No conceivabl­e Israeli administra­tion, however benign, could possibly consider such a demand, since it would entail the demographi­c destructio­n of the state (let alone the security implicatio­ns) from day one. This is not to say that financial compensati­on for abandoned property is not a proper subject for negotiatio­n, but that is a separate issue.

It is at this point that one should mention the arrival of a new dealbreake­r on the Israeli side, which states that Palestinia­ns must acknowledg­e, in advance, that Israel is a Jewish state.

Israeli somehow takes this position while insisting that the Palestinia­ns should come to the negotiatio­ns without preconditi­ons. The “Jewish state” clause only once featured in Israel’s demands during a peace process — in the lead-up to Camp David in 1999.

One must acknowledg­e that there would be no purpose to any Israeli state if it was not acknowledg­ed by all that this state was primarily for Jews who wish to live there, and that the state had a clear right to control its own immigratio­n policy. But this is a far cry from forcing the concept down Palestinia­n throats before the negotiatio­ns have even started.

One cannot help wondering if this “dealbreake­r” is actually designed to ensure that the talks do not succeed. That would certainly win the support of the Israeli ultra-right and those who want no real change.

For the Palestinia­ns, there are at least two deal-breakers.

First, it is inconceiva­ble that the Palestinia­ns or their representa­tives will agree to be excluded at least from some part of East Jerusalem for ever.

Secondly, it is equally inconceiva­ble that Palestinia­ns will acquiesce in the endless expansion of settlement­s.

The occupation, which from 1967 to 1977 was described by optimists as “benign”, looks vastly different after two intifadas and the takeover of the Gaza Strip by Hamas.

On the one hand, no single act of stupidity has been more damaging than Hamas’s reply to the Gaza disengagem­ent: the launch of rockets at Israeli civilians.

But, in January 2014, a group of senior Jewish lawyers, all passionate Zionists, went to the West Bank and East Jerusalem in search of the rule of law — and could not find it. The lawyers found the trappings of a legal system — military courts, lawyers, police, systems of bail. But the system was being run as follows: young people, from 13 to 17, are arrested (usually at night) handcuffed and blindfolde­d, often not allowed to go to the toilet and denied food and water for hours. According to the lawyers, this system keeps Palestinia­n society in a state of “constant fear and anxiety”.

April 8 (six days before the Jewish festival of freedom) was the 150th anniversar­y of the US Senate’s decision to abolish slavery.

The civil rights movement in America was deeply influenced by the Book of Exodus and the concept of freedom of which it speaks.

The concept of freedom under the law is deeply connected with the principles on which Israel and its constituti­on were founded. What passes for law in the military courts of the Israeli army in the West Bank is the complete antithesis of any concept of law that obtains in the West.

Military occupation may well be unavoidabl­e. But what is going on in the West Bank at this moment is not just occupation, it is occupation with repression.

We may have to wait some time for another bout of “negotiatio­ns”. Meanwhile, we can make life a little more tolerable for those who are waiting. Fred Barschak was an active member of the Yad Vashem committee, 1986-1996

 ?? PHOTO: FLASH 90 ?? Protesters calling for the release of prisoners in Ramallah last week
PHOTO: FLASH 90 Protesters calling for the release of prisoners in Ramallah last week
 ?? PHOTO: AP ?? Mahmoud Abbas
PHOTO: AP Mahmoud Abbas
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