The Jewish Chronicle



THE BOARD of Deputies and strictly Orthodox charity Interlink have joined a coalition of Christian groups in opposing welfare cuts, which they say will hit large families.

A briefing paper prepared for the House of the Lords, which is due to discuss the proposal next week, describes the measures as “fundamenta­lly anti-family”.

T h e i r c o n c e r n h a s b e e n triggered by plans in the Welfare Ref o r m a nd Work Bi l l t o l i mit low-income families to claiming tax credits for no more than two children.

A Board spokesman said that “this will adversely affect thousands of Jewish children in working households, with the pain being felt particular­ly i n the Charedi community”.

The paper points out that the proposed cut “will disproport­ionately affect families where perhaps because of the parents’ faith, there is a devout desire to avoid contracept­ion or abortion”.

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