The Jewish Chronicle

Bewitching reads for inquiring minds

- Jon Scieszka’s Frank Einstein and the Evoblaster Belt, Red Witch Eden Summer

OWL PELLETS a n d mi n i - beasts a r e among the curiositie­s under the m i c r o - scope i n

with informativ­e illustrati­ons by Brian Biggs (Amulet, £6.99). The belt gadget reverses the evolutiona­ry cycle, allowing friends Frank and Watson to shape-shift. This comes in handy as they confront Mr Chimp and T Edison, evil perpetrato­rs of a bottled-water scam. A fact-filled appendix includes explanatio­ns of the police alphabet, sign language and more. Age seven to 11.

(Quercus, £6.99) the second in Anna McKerrow’s Greenworld series, centres on teenageMel­z,whohasruna­way from the eco-friendly Green- Thought-provoking reads world, where the great witches are revered and their powers respected, to the corrupt and wasteful Redworld. Here, Melz is an object of curiosity for her “religious” background, as any orthodox girl might be, outside her sheltered world. Far more magical and thrilling than geography and PSHE lessons could ever be. Age 12 up. Arts students will especially enjoy by Liz Flanagan (David Fickling, £10.99). Jess’s best friend, Eden, has gone missing and, as she hunts for her in the present, she also retraces her memories of their time together. Partly set at the Ted Hughes creative-writing centre in Hebden Bridge, the novel considers the power of the arts to transmute pain. Age 14 up.

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