The Jewish Chronicle

Board ponders limit to years deputies can serve


THE BOARD of Deputies is looking to improve its chances of attracting fresh blood by restrictin­g the number of years served by deputies.

Under proposals to be debated later in the year, deputies would have to retire after six or nine years.

Although they could stand again for election after an interlude, it is suggested they would be limited to a maximum total of 18 years.

Also under considerat­ion is the scrapping of the executive commitinfo­rm tee and its replacemen­t with a trustee board.

The executive currently comprises the five honorary officers, the vicechairm­en of the four divisions, regional representa­tives and four other deputies. The proposed smaller trustee group would consist of the five officers — president, three vice-presidents and treasurer — plus up to four other deputies.

But the Board would have to decide whether to elect all trustees or give the officers the power to co-opt the other trustees.

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