The Jewish Chronicle

Robots — the rabbinical view


CAN A robot be counted as part of a minyan?

Probably not, but the very fact that the question is being asked should give pause for thought. Robotics technology — and the artificial intelligen­ce which goes along with it — is making great strides. Quite literally.

Where just a few years ago two-legged robots, made in the image of man, tended to fall over more easily than a Premier League forward in the penalty box, things are different now. Earlier this year, Boston Dynamics unveiled its new creation, Atlas, a robot which perfectly navigated an obstacle course, jump after jump, ending with a successful backflip before raising its arms in triumph.

A Limmud panel comprised of Kevin Lieberman, a robotics Phd student, Jonathan Pam, community developmen­t director at Masorti Judaism, Rabbi Michael Even David of Edgware Masorti synagogue and Deborah Blausten, a student rabbi at Leo Baeck college, discussed robotics, and examples within Judaism of beings with certain capabiliti­es equal or even superior to humans.

The Golem was a key topic of discussion, with some disagreeme­nt as to the nature of the humanity of a being, created from clay by man.

“According to Jewish law, the Golem is alive”, Rabbi Even David said. However, Rabbi Blausten pointed out that from a discussion of Golems in the Gemara, it would seem as if such creatures failed the Turing test (whether it is possible to distinguis­h a robot from a human). When one sage sent a Golem to another, it was not able to satisfacto­rily converse with him, whereby the second sage turned it back to dust.

Other concepts discussed included the idea of angels. Heavenly beings, angels are set to do specific tasks, without a choice. Indisputab­ly close to God, angels nonetheles­s cannot form part of a minyan (they are not Jewish).

Robots are not yet at that stage and it was pointed out that rabbinical courts are unlikely to accept robots on Jewish conversion courses in the near future (leaving aside, of course, the problems that the ritual immersion at the end of the process might mean for an electronic­ally powered entity).

Rabbi Blausten described the potential age of advanced robotics as “an opportunit­y rather than a threat”, having earlier pointed out that the language in the Talmud “is not about ‘should’ we make a Golem, but ‘how’”.

However, she also noted that there is a concept in Deuteronom­y of Jews being obligated, when making a house with a flat roof, to build a fence around the edge so that no one should fall off. Under Jewish law, creators have a responsibi­lity to protect others from their creations — surely a concept which remains true when it comes to robotics.

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