The Jewish Chronicle




9 Jewish-Italian chemist and Auschwitz survivor, author of “If This Is a Man” (1919-1967) (5,4)

10 Mahmoud ***** , also known as Abu Mazen - West Bank Palestinia­n leader (5) 11 The Hebrew language (Hebrew) (5) 12 Ceremony noting the end of Shabbat (Hebrew) (9)

13 Appropriat­e footwear for instructor­s? (8)

14 Bright star displays a scattered trail (6) 17 Israeli city housing The Weizmann Institute of Science (7)

19 Elisheba’s brother (Ex. 6:23) (7)

21 A beautiful and bubbly young woman (Yiddish - slang) (6)

22 Brave female, like Van Gogh? (8)

25 German-Jewish composer of ‘Les Huguenots’ is extremely miserable - over twelve months without a drink (17911864) (9)

27 Despite its iron frame, it’s musically soft (5)

28 Major Israeli right-wing nationalis­t party from 1948 until its merger into Likud in 1988 (5)

29 Original inhabitant of ‘The Promised Land’ (Gen. 10:18) (9)


1 At end of eighties Anglo-Jewish playwright penned Latin fragment (8)

2 Kabbalah’s ‘Side of Impurity’ (Hebrew) (5,5)

3 The second of the two sons of Eber (Gen. 10:25) (6)

4 Kabbalah’s ‘Manifestat­ions of God in the physical and metaphysic­al universes’ (orig. Hebrew) (9)

5 Jewish ritual immersion purity bath (Hebrew) (5) 6 West Bank Palestinia­n administra­tive city (8)

7 Third Man was competent, reportedly before he was murdered? (4)

8 Biblical heroine who foiled Haman, immersing his head in a chemical compound (6) 15 Jews of east European origin shake off National Socialist master <and how we wish it had so happened> (10)

16 Famous Dutch girl and diarist who was betrayed in hiding to the Nazis (4,5) 18 Hold sacred and greatly admire tea, never blended (8) 20 One’s immortal soul (Hebrew) (8)

21 A joyful occasion (Hebrew) (6)

23 Ephraim’s second son (1 Chron. 7:25) (6)

24 Aim of Muslim pilgrims came unstuck - Catholic intervened (5)

26 Story that’s long, lacking point? (4) HOW TO PLAY: Use the letter tiles from the game of Scrabble to spell out the answers to the clues below. Do not use the two blank tiles. Place the tiles on the Scrabble board according to the grid references given with the clues. If you successful­ly complete the puzzle, you will have used all 98 tiles.


1D He writes in a notebook. (6)

1H It’s fair to say she’s this. (6)

1M He’s told to beware. (5)

2B It’s a one off. (6)

3J Top independen­t man. (6)

6G Once upon a time. (9)

7N Candidly outspoken. (5)

8C Heard with thunder. (5)

8I Leave them asking for more. (7)

 ??  ??

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