The Jewish Chronicle


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Beit Halochem, meaning “House of Warriors”, was establishe­d to provide Israeli wounded veterans with a rehabilita­tive infrastruc­ture, where they receive respite and the opportunit­y to regain the dignity and quality of life they deserve.

Today, 51,000 wounded veterans and victims of terror are given a new lease of life in the four Beit Halochem centres, in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Beersheba. With help from supporters around the world, a fifth and final rehabilita­tion centre is being constructe­d in Ashdod.

The centres provide a blend of exceptiona­l rehabilita­tive services, including physiother­apy, hydrothera­py and chiropract­ic treatments, conducted alongside social and specialise­d sport options, educationa­l programmes and scholarshi­ps.

Each centre offers a wide choice of physical, social and creative activities, housing an auditorium, multi-purpose gym, classrooms, fitness rooms, occupation­al and physical therapy units, trauma therapy units, a cafeteria and a social wing.

As Israel continues to face its enemies inside and outside its borders and the number of wounded veterans continues to grow, the funding needs of the Beit Halochem centres increase. Beit Halochem relies heavily on its affiliated organisati­ons, including Beit Halochem UK, to help it carry the burden of giving its members as normal a life as possible, which will enable them to continue on-going programmes, develop further initiative­s and purchase muchneeded equipment for the centres. | 020 8458 2455 | Registered charity 1146950


United Hatzalah of Israel is an independen­t, non-profit, fully volunteer emergency medical service, providing fast and completely free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. United Hatzalah’s service is available to all people, regardless of race, religion, or national origin.

United Hatzalah has more than 4,000 volunteers around Israel, available around the clock — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. With the help of its GPS technology and distinctiv­e ambucycles (motorbikes with medical equipment), its average response time is less than three minutes across the country and 90 seconds in metropolit­an areas.

The service’s mission is to arrive at the scene of medical emergencie­s as soon as possible and provide the patient with profession­al and appropriat­e medical aid until an ambulance arrives, resulting in many more lives saved. RoyiG@IsraelResc­

0300 030 1221

Registered charity 1101329


Camp Simcha helps seriously ill children and their families through its range of more than 20 practical, emotional and therapeuti­c support services, as well as powerful positive experience­s.

Supporting more than 1,000 children, siblings and parents throughout the UK, Camp Simcha’s bespoke package of care is helping families coping with a wide range of different childhood illnesses including cancer, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and genetic conditions.

The charity also provides shorterter­m help for chronic conditions such as type one diabetes and Crohn’s and for premature babies.

From therapeuti­c arts sessions, counsellin­g and visits from therapy dogs to retreats and outings to hospital transports and benefits advice, the family liaison officers work closely with each family to help them access the services most beneficial to them, giving their personal attention, 24/7, to make sure each family member gets all the support they need in the darkest of times.

020 8202 9297

Registered charity 1044685 COMMUNITY SECURITY TRUST

CST represents British Jews on issues of racism, antisemiti­sm, extremism, policing and security. It facilitate­s Jewish life by protecting Jewish events, synagogues, schools and communal buildings from the dangers of antisemiti­c terrorism. And it manages an annual Government grant of £13.4 million, which subsidises profession­al security guards at Jewish communal buildings. CST advises communal buildings on physical security measures and has helped fund security infrastruc­ture at hundreds of locations. It researches antisemiti­sm and extremism for the benefit of the Jewish community and society in general. It also works with all sectors of the Jewish community and advises other faith communitie­s on dealing with hate crime they face.

CST is a national organisati­on, reaching communitie­s across the UK from its offices in London, Manchester and Leeds. Please volunteer; CST needs volunteers to protect our Jewish community. Please report antisemiti­c or suspicious behaviour; if you experience antisemiti­c verbal abuse, threats, graffiti or antisemiti­sm on social media, notify CST. Please consider giving a donation; all CST projects rely heavily on communal fund-raising.

24-hour emergency number 0800 032 3269 | London 020 8457 9999 Manchester 0161 792 6666

Registered charity 1042391

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