The Jewish Chronicle

Italian Jews finding ways to adapt


The general message from the community has been one of defiance: the Jewish people has overcome — and survived — far bigger challenges. Even as the whole country was battening down the hatches and people were retreating indoor, a few days ago kosher eateries in Milan, in Lombardy, the worst-hit region, were still offering to homedelive­r kosher food.

But, even before the general lockdown, UCEI (Union of Italian Jewish Communitie­s) had stressed “the need to safeguard our own lives and those of others” and to this purpose had organised a Purim-themed country-wide streaming event. The theme was “close even if far away” and people joined from their homes and offices: some even dressed up for the occasion.

UCEI has led the way by using its Facebook channels for Talmud lessons and study, but religious leaders throughout the country have also embraced social media. The Chief Rabbi of Florence, Gadi Piperno, has been urging his congregati­on to do at home what they would do if the synagogue were not shut. He is using all available technology to continue a daily conversati­on with the community.

The Bologna’s community’s channel has a busy calendar with a Pesach lesson on Monday, a Torah study on Wednesday and a reflection on the week’s Parashah on Friday. The response, says the Chief Rabbi, Alberto Sermoneta, has been very encouragin­g.

The upcoming Seder will be an emergency one in Italy and Yosef Labi, the Rabbi of Verona, has been working on what he calls an “essential guide to the festivity”, which will cover various aspects from the Seder itself to the cleaning process. Although “not particular­ly technologi­cally minded”, Rabbi Labi is determined to make full use of the web and social media. His message for all Italian Jews? “We need Teshuvah, tefillah and tzedakah”.

I’m sure that the stranger who invited us to Friday night dinner in the Venice ghetto all those years ago would wholeheart­edly agree.

Do at home what you would do if the synagogue was not shut

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