The Jewish Chronicle

Far right sites attracting hundreds of thousands of new readers in lockdown


HUNDREDS OF thousands of people have been drawn towards Holocaust denial and ideas normally associated with the far right as a result of using the internet more during the lockdowns, the authors of a new report have warned.

Nick Lowles, chief executive of the campaign group Hope Not Hate, said that a “whole new layer of people” have been drawn into conspiracy theories and far-right ideas as they struggled to make sense of life over the past 12 months during the Covid pandemic.

He said: “Ten or 15 years ago, for anyone to obtain Holocaust-denial material, you really had to go to a site of the extreme far right.

“These days, these conspiraci­es are mingled in on much broader and wider platforms.

“I think it is concerning and we are not sure where it is going to go.

“Literally hundreds of thousands of people have been drawn into these ideas... and of course if you start believing one conspiracy theory you are more likely to believe others.”

Speaking at Monday’s launch of Hope Not Hate’s State of Hate 2021 report, the group’s senior researcher, Joe Mulhall, also warned that while the QAnon movement had shrunk in influence after Donald Trump’s defeat in the US election, it would “rumble on in different forms” including a “more broader conspiracy scene”.

Mr Mulhall said: “One of the things we highlight in the report is how this is a gateway to antisemiti­sm.

“QAnon is part of a broader conspiracy movement that we have seen emerge in the UK in the last year.”

With huge numbers now engaging with conspiracy content online, Mr Mulhall said that ideas about a grand conspiracy — which have been boosted by theories about the 5G phone network, or paedophile­s running the world or Covid being a hoax — have required a “grand conspirato­r.”

He added: “When you have conspirato­r, invariably with these people it ends up being the Jewish community and secret power run by Jews.

“That’s something to really watch out for – seeing that route to antisemiti­sm through the conspiracy scene rather than through the far right.”

The new report, published on Monday, also revealed how the social media platform Instagram has become a hub for young neo-Nazis to recruit young people to far-right groups.

Two such groups active in the UK — The British Hand and the National Partisan Movement — which have used Facebookow­ned Instagram to recruit members, are identified in the report. They are also using other messaging apps, such as Telegram.

Three alleged members of The British Hand, who are all teenage boys, are facing trial on terrorism charges.

Mr Lowles continued: “Though we continue to warn about niche platforms like Telegram, a fertile recruitmen­t ground for young neo-Nazis has been Instagram – its inadequate moderation and worrying algorithm recommenda­tions are child-protection issues that demand urgent action from the platform.”

Meanwhile, the report also warned that Patriotic Alternativ­e, one of the biggest far-right and openly antisemiti­c groups to emerge over the past year, was using mainstream social media platforms such as Facebook to promote less hardcore material, while using alternativ­e platforms such as Bitchute to circulate neo-Nazi ideas.

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? A poster held up during a London anti-lockdown protest referencin­g the QAnon conspiracy theory
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES A poster held up during a London anti-lockdown protest referencin­g the QAnon conspiracy theory
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