The Jewish Chronicle

Peace, pogroms and starvation in Syria


The Jews and peace.

The following telegram was despatched to the King: At this solemn and fateful hour, when by the grace of Almighty God, Victory rests with the Empire over which you rule and with the Allies that have been joined to it in the great and holy cause of Justice, Freedom, and Right, may I not voice to you the sentiments of loyal congratula­tion of the Jewish people throughout your dominions ? At the first moment of the cruel War that happily is now ended, we ventured to make this pledge for our coreligion­ists, your faithful subjects : “England has been all she could be to Jews, Jews will be all they can be to England.” That pledge has been redeemed in the blood and the lives of those Jews who have fallen or been maimed in battle and in the willing help of all classes of our Community throughout the more than four years of the struggle.—EDITOR, JEWISH CHRONICLE and JEWISH WORLD.

Appeal to the English Jews.

We are informed that Galician Jews are being sacked and murdered in masses. The Jewish inhabitant­s of Galicia and East Europe run the risk of being exterminat­ed. Your brothers are looking to you for your help, do not sit with your hands before you whilst your brothers are in danger of their lives. The Correspond­ence Bureau at the Hague has also communicat­ed to us the following telegraphi­c appeal which it has received from the Zionist Bureau in Vienna: In the whole of West Galicia.terrible pogroms are raging. Many Jews have been killed, wounded and robbed. Jewish National Council appeals to the civilised world, and demands that American Jewry should do its utmost to ensure that the Allies and President Wilson address an energetic warning to Polish people to stop these outrages. More pogroms are feared in Poland and Lithuania from Poles and Bolsheviki. Millions of Jews are in danger.

Distress in Syria

●A telegram from Palestine to the Zionist Organisati­on in London states that the greatest poverty, distress, and misery exist among the Jews in Damascus. Beirut, and Sidon. The Zionist Commission in Palestine is organising relief, but large funds are required for food, clothing, and the immediate wants of the suffering population. Children are dying of starvation.

 ?? ?? Armistice Day celebratio­ns in Philadelph­ia, Pennsylvan­ia on 11November 1918
Armistice Day celebratio­ns in Philadelph­ia, Pennsylvan­ia on 11November 1918

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