The Jewish Chronicle

Olympics, a tragedy and naughty children


Behind the Olympic façade: German Jewry being exterminat­ed

The position of German Jewry seems, to have entered a stage of outward quietness. The Winter Olympiad and the great Summer Olympiad cast their shadow on everything that is happening in Germany. In the treatment of the Jewish question, as in many another disputable point, the tendency is noticeable to avoid everything which would arouse unfriendly criticism, particular­ly abroad…

In the neighbourh­ood of Garmisch-Partenkirc­hen, where the Winter Olympiad is now taking placed the local notices, boycott placards, and the Sturmer showcases have, of course, been removed. It is probable that, for the same reason, the anti-Jewish notices and pictures will also disappear in Berlin for a few weeks next summer before and during the Olympiad. It would be more honest to leave these hate-preaching notices where they are, as there is no doubt but that the visitor, who has no time to investigat­e things thoroughly —and the visiting sportsman certainly belongs to this category — will get a false impression of the true political face of the Third Reich.

Suicide of victimised lawyer

We deeply regret to announce the suicide of Dr Ernst Fliess a victimised Jewish lawyer. In May a lawyer who was appearing against him protested in court against having to plead against a Jew. Dr Fliess complained before the lawyers’ chamber. Not only was his complaint ignored, but proceeding­s were taken against him for false accusation. The court sentenced Dr. Fliess to nine months’ imprisonme­nt. On January 9 in the corridor of the Magdeburg Court, Dr Fliess shot himself.

New Year for Trees: JNF children’s festival

Some 2,200 children assembled in the Rivoli cinema on Sunday for the first annual children’s festival to celebrate the New Year for Trees. Out of two hours of speech and ceremony, less than a quarter-of-an-hour was devoted to films which were the principal attraction for the children. This no doubt accounted for the lack of discipline on the part of many of the children. Time and again appeals had to be made to them from the platform to keep quiet. I was also surprised to hear the booing on the part of sections of children when representa­tives went up to present his or her JNF box. Friendly rivalry should not show itself in this way.

 ?? ?? The Swiss bobsleigh team at the 1936 Winter Olympics in Nazi Germany
The Swiss bobsleigh team at the 1936 Winter Olympics in Nazi Germany

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