The Jewish Chronicle

Purge or replace Board


When Isaac Herzog, the popular, respected president of Israel, a former Labour politician, takes the unpreceden­ted step of publicly criticisin­g the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the UK’s foremost representa­tive body, it means that Anglo Jewish leadership needs serious scrutiny.

In a widely reported speech this week earning a standing ovation in Israel (Israel President slams ‘deeply inappropri­ate’ Board of Deputies statement on controvers­ial MK Smotrich, 28 February,, he condemned the Board for refusing to meet MK Bezalel Smotrich, the leader of the Religious Zionist Party, criticisin­g its tweets justifying its decision as “deeply inappropri­ate” and the Hebrew version as “downright insulting”.

He was at pains to say that he didn’t agree with Smotrich’s views.

Calling for dialogue, not division and hatred… “We cannot allow ourselves another rift in the Jewish People”, and “just as Jewish communitie­s correctly expect their leadership to be respected in Israel, similarly I would expect Israeli leaders to be respected in the Diaspora”, he ended by calling for people to “come together, talk together and respect each other.”

In contrast, the Board’s leadership over recent years has been authoritar­ian, unpopular and divisive, ruthlessly removing by any convenient pretext any Deputy who refused to toe the “party line”.

It has taken the President of Israel to draw attention to this.

The Board needs to be purged and made democratic­ally accountabl­e to its deputies who actually represent us. If that proves impossible, it should be sidelined or replaced by a new organisati­on which would be supported by the mainstream, for whom fighting antisemiti­sm, protecting Jewish life and robustly supporting Israel would be its priority.

Warren S Gross

London E11


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