The Mail on Sunday

‘Petty’ PM bans EU rebel Fox from top intelligen­ce role


DAVID CAMERON banned former Defence Secretary Liam Fox from joining a high-powered Commons committee as ‘punishment’ for rebelling over the EU, it was claimed last night.

Allies of Dr Fox say he was told by Tory whips that his bid to join the Commons Intelligen­ce and Security Committee was thrown out because of his role in a Conservati­ve rebellion last week.

Dr Fox was one of 37 Tory MPs who helped to inflict a humiliatin­g defeat on the Government over the way the referendum on the UK ’s membership of the EU is conducted. They joined forces with Labour to stop the Prime Minister amending the so-called ‘purdah’ rules, which limit Government activity during the referendum campaign period.

It was Mr Cameron’s first defeat in the Commons since the Election.

Well-placed sources say that hours later Dr Fox was told that as a result he would not be allowed to join the Intelligen­ce and Security Committee.

A Conservati­ve insider said: ‘It was a petty and vindictive decision. Liam had every right to vote against the Government on the referendum. To punish him for doing so is outrageous. This kind of behaviour merely alienates backbenche­rs.

‘Liam is not the type to give in to intimidati­on. It shows how rattled the whips are over the referendum, but it will not stop the revolts. Quite the reverse.’

Leading Euroscepti­c Dr Fox was among four Conservati­ve MPs who applied for three places on the powerful all-party Intelligen­ce and Security Committee. Unlike other Commons committees, where members are chosen by a ballot of MPs, places are in the gift of party leaders owing to the sensitivit­y of the work. Members are given access to state secrets as part of their job in monitoring MI5 and MI6.

Dr Fox had hoped to win a place and replace former Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind as chairman.

But Dr Fox lost out as former Overseas Aid Minister Sir Alan Duncan, former Law Minister Dominic Grieve and a former aide to William Hague, Keith Simpson, were nominated by Mr Cameron.

Friends of Dr Fox were quick to point out that none of the three men chosen had Cabinet experience.

The decision to ban Dr Fox is thought to have been backed by the Conservati­ve chief whip, Mark Harper, who was furious at the EU revolt led by senior Conservati­ve MP Bernard Jenkin.

Dr Fox and the Prime Minister have never been close politicall­y or personally: they were rivals in the Tory leadership contest in 2005.

Dr Fox was unavailabl­e for comment last night. Downing Street denied the claims.

 ??  ?? ‘PUNISHED’: Tory Liam Fox
‘PUNISHED’: Tory Liam Fox

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