The Mail on Sunday

You won’t BELIEVE what they tell me!


I can assure you none of us play music for the money. We do it for the orgies.

Noel Gallagher explains his artistic motivation to me at the AIM Independen­t Music Awards.

The Queen could do with a little more mascara. I’m going to send her some of mine.

Joan Collins gives me her beauty tips for Her Majesty at her Timeless Beauty launch.

I have no room for migrants in my house. I’ve got friends, family and lodgers all with me because it’s too expensive to live in London.

Yasmin le Bon, right, tells me at the Jasmine For Jaeger launch that she’s already rescuing the homeless.

My collection of souvenirs I’ve pinched from films I’ve been in drives my wife mad. But my Stormtroop­er helmet is worth £50,000, and I have Ewok’s toes, the balls I swung round my head as a weapon in Star Wars and some Gringotts Galleons from Harry Potter. They’re worth enough to fund my retirement!

Actor Warwick Davis confesses to me at the Prop Store auction that being naughty has been very profitable.

The first musical I actually wrote was called Socrates Swings – I wrote it while still a schoolboy. Thank God I threw it away long ago because it was awful.

Andrew Lloyd Webber reveals his darkest musical secret to me.

I never hire pretty nannies. I work far too hard to have a hot nanny in the house when I’m feeling bloated and crabby!

Sinitta, singer and Simon Cowell’s best friend, offers me her top tip on domestic staff.

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