The Mail on Sunday

China puts hole in chemical firm gains


THE slowdown in the Chinese economy is taking its toll on Western businesses exposed to that market, including one of Midas’s more successful tips of recent years, chemicals group Elementis.

Midas recommende­d the shares back in March 2012, when they stood at 176¼p. By April this year they had risen to 315¾p.

Since then, the group has issued a very cautious trading update and the stock has fallen sharply back.

Elementis makes chemicals that are used in a range of industries from cosmetics to oil drilling.

The common theme is that its additives affect the way liquids behave, whether they are viscous, spatter when dropped, cling to surfaces or mix well with other liquids.

It is technical stuff but has proved lucrative, particular­ly in the oil and gas drilling industries, where Elementis sells products that among other things help form seals in bore holes.

The economic recovery since the tip and a boom in new oil and gas drilling techniques, including fracking for shale gas, has helped its business thrive, which is why the shares soared until this summer.

But then came the profits warning in June. The company warned that the slowdown in China was affecting its business, as was the slackening off in new oil and gas drilling in America because of the lower oil price.

The shares have now dropped to 233¼p. Investors who bought in 2012 and sold at the peak would have made 79 per cent capital return. Profits on paper are now lower, but even so the shares are 32 per cent ahead of their price in 2012.

Once dividends are taken into account, even at today’s price the investment has returned just over 50 per cent over three years.

The best is probably over.

Midas verdict: The tide has turned for Elementis and even if there is a recovery in shares ahead, investors who followed the Midas tip should consider selling if they have not done so already.

But even those who did not sell on the summer peaks should not feel they have missed out. Capital growth of 32 per cent and a total return including dividends of more than 50 per cent is a success.

It is time to move on.

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