The Mail on Sunday

Struggling to buy your first property? Share the pain...

As ‘starter’ prices rise, we analyse the option of shared ownership

- By Neil Simpson

‘It was the only way I could get on ladder’

THE bottom rung of the housing ladder is being pulled even further out of reach, with figures showing how few potential first-time buyers earn enough to get the mortgage they need on a typical first home.

Accountanc­y firm KPMG says the typical salary in England is £22,044 – but homebuyers need to earn at least £40,583 to get a big enough mortgage for a starter property.

In high price areas such as London the gap is even greater – the average wage is £27,999 but workers need to earn £76,971 to afford a first home.

Dick Mortimer, director of London-based housing associatio­n Family Mosaic, says: ‘With house prices rising faster than most salaries, it is little wonder that so many people are turning to shared ownership as the only way they can get on the housing ladder.’

With shared ownership you first have to pass an income eligibilit­y test. Typically, to qualify you – or you and your partner together – need to earn less than £60,000 a year although the figure is higher in London (£85,000 or less if you are buying a three-bedroom home).

You can then get a mortgage to buy between 25 and 75 per cent of a flat or house, normally offered through a housing associatio­n.

You pay rent on the part of the home you do not own, but you can take out further mortgages and buy bigger slices until you own the home outright. This is a process known as stair-casing.

While some buyers go on to own the home outright, shared ownership schemes do have drawbacks.


FANS say that unless you have access to the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’, then shared ownership is the only option for buying in many high price areas of the country.

They point to a ‘now or never’ syndrome as people sign up before even a share of a home becomes unaffordab­le.

If your earnings rise and you buy a further share of the home then the amount you pay in rent will fall – though you will, of course, have a bigger mortgage.

When property prices are rising, a second 25 per cent share, for example, will cost more than the first one, as your home will be revalued when you buy more. But the second share would cost less if you bought more during a property slump – a brave but potentiall­y profitable strategy as long as prices eventually recover.


CRITICS say monthly bills can be higher than expected. Rents should be subsidised but many say they start too high and rise too fast. Ask for several years of rental records in establishe­d or similar developmen­ts to see what could lie ahead.

Another gripe is that if you only own, say, 25 per cent of your home, you have to pay maintenanc­e bills as if you owned it all.

Tough tenancy rules are another issue. You cannot normally have a lodger or rent out your home if you move away, though some say these developmen­ts are better run than schemes dominated by buy-to-let landlords.

Selling is also tricky. You have to let your housing associatio­n market the property for around eight weeks before you can try to sell your share on the open market.

Some say associatio­ns are bad at marketing and effectivel­y delay sales. Selling in a downturn will be far harder for shared ownership homes than ordinary properties.


POTENTIAL buyers need to put down a deposit, normally ten per cent of the share they are buying.

There are other costs such as legal, valuation and mortgage fees and possibly stamp duty.

Finding a mortgage is not straightfo­rward but it is not impossible.

Rupi Hunjan, founder of mortgage broker Censeo in London, says: ‘Plenty of high street lenders provide mortgages to shared ownership buyers, but there are less wellknown names to consider as well.’

Some regional building societies offer shared ownership loans to buyers in local postcodes but do not advertise them nationally so they are easy to miss.

Most housing associatio­ns put potential buyers in touch with specialist brokers and Hunjan says there is the usual choice of fixed rate and discounted rate deals.

Rates are comparable to ordinary mortgages and best buys include two-year fixes from 3.75 per cent and five-year fixes from 4.99 per cent with Leeds Building Society.

TSB has cut its shared ownership loan rates and has two-year fixes set at less than 3 per cent, though you will need a 25 per cent deposit.

National broker London & Country Mortgages has recently arranged shared ownership loans through lenders Nationwide Building Society, Santander, Barclays and Halifax as well as Newbury Building Society and Kent Reliance.

For example, Newbury will only lend on property in a specified local area. Among its array of shared ownership deals is a three-year fixed rate loan at 4.59 per cent. This is available to those with a 5 per cent deposit. There is a £200 fee.


TAKE, for example, a property worth £250,000 where a buyer pur- chases a 50 per cent share, putting down a five per cent deposit. This requires them to fund a mortgage of £118,750.

Leeds Building Society offers a two-year fixed rate loan for shared ownership borrowers, priced at 4.39 per cent. This is for a 95 per cent borrower.

This would result in mortgage payments of about £653 – assuming a 25-year repayment mortgage is taken out.

On top of this, the housing associatio­n would levy a monthly rent – anything between £200 and £350 – on the other 50 per cent of the property.

This results in a monthly mortgage and rent bill of anything between £850 and £1,000.

If the same buyer bought outright, they would need to pull together a deposit of £12,500 – five per cent. The mortgage would then be for £237,500.

HSBC currently offers a two-year fixed rate loan at 3.79 per cent for 95 per cent borrowers, available under the Government’s help to buy mortgage guarantee scheme. Monthly payments would amount to just over £1,226.

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‘RESEARCH’: Ultan Molloy now owns his whole flat in Islington

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