The Mail on Sunday



A REJECTION of austerity plus an Old Labour-style belief in more public spending and renational­isation are at the heart of Jeremy Corbyn’s blueprint for government.

1 ON AUSTERITY: Ditch spending cuts but get deficit down by taxing the rich as well as cracking down on tax avoidance

2 ON MONEY: Order the Bank of England to print tens of billions of pounds of new bank notes in order to pay for a massive new programme of public spending on housing, energy and transport

3 ON RAILWAYS: Spend billions renational­ising both the railways and energy companies. Claims privatisat­ion ‘has put profits before people’

4 ON TAX: Hit middle-income families (people earning over £50,000 a year) with new taxes to help fund a £10 billion plan to scrap tuition fees and restore student maintenanc­e grants. Would rethink the role of free schools and academies

5 ON PROPERTY: Slap rent controls on expensive areas such as Central London to stop ‘social cleansing’ where families on welfare are priced out. Suspend right-to-buy schemes in areas of high housing stress

6 ON WELFARE: Defy plans by the Tory Government for new welfare cutbacks. Claims instead that the welfare bill can be reduced through investment and growth – ‘not squeezing the least well-off’

7 ON SCHOOLS AND NHS: Create a brand new National Education Service, promising to provide universal childcare. Also pledges a fully-funded NHS and ‘an end to privatisat­ion’

8 ON EUROPE: The famously Euroscepti­c Mr Corbyn has refused to rule out campaignin­g for a ‘No’ vote in the impending referendum – but has said his preferred position is to stay in a reformed EU

9 ON IMMIGRATIO­N: Jeremy Corbyn calls for all refugees now arriving in Europe to be treated with humanity and compassion. Pledges an ‘end to the scapegoati­ng of migrants’. He believes the debate on immigratio­n has been ‘poisoned’

10 ON DEFENCE: Pull out of Nato immediatel­y and scrap Britain’s independen­t Trident nuclear deterrent, plus he has pledged for ‘no more illegal wars’. and will oppose extending air strikes to Syria. He has suggested that Tony Blair should be tried as a war criminal over invading Iraq

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