The Mail on Sunday

QUOTES of the week


‘We’re in a new realm of misogyny when the word “woman” becomes hate speech.’ Blogger Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull reacts after a protester claimed her poster depicting the dictionary definition of woman was offensive.

‘I was so inspired by Meghan Markle, as I left the house this morning I shut my own front door.’ Twitter user Mike Bubbin, after the Duchess of Sussex sparked a Royal etiquette debate by closing a car door herself.

‘It’s the age of the whine and the whinge… and, oh, do women know how to milk it, while men stand by and meekly watch.’ Ex-MP Ann Widdecombe, who thinks women have never had it so good.

‘Please be kind. No one died.’ TV chef Olia Hercules, who used the same spoon several times to taste her sauce in a hygiene blunder known as ‘double dipping’. ‘The taxman.’ Former boxer Frank Bruno after being asked who had hit him the hardest.

‘Yowza.’ New Scrabble word – it is an expression of amazement.

‘He left home in a deluge of rain never to return. Even the skies wept.’ Death notice for John Cunliffe, the Postman Pat creator, whose death aged 85 was announced last week.

‘It is time for justice, Mr Cosby. This has all circled back to you.’ US Judge Steven O’Neill as he jails comedian Bill Cosby for up to ten years for sexual assault. ‘High quality of sunlight.’ Train operator C2C’s excuse for the late running of services from Essex.

‘Are we to go back through history and anyone who misbehaved… are we going to extrude them?’ Judi Dench as she defends actor friend Kevin Spacey over sex claims.

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