The Mail on Sunday

The Russia report’s just one big j oke


I AM afraid I chortled several times as I read the Parliament­ary Intelligen­ce and Security Committee’s oh-so-serious report on Russia.

As well as being almost entirely free of new facts, it hilariousl­y accused the Russians of being paranoid about us. Well, perhaps they are. Russia has been invaded so many times (even we have had a go) that it is entitled to be a bit over-defensive.

But if so, the British attitude towards Moscow is just as psychiatri­c, especially given our elite’s greed for Russian money and their readiness to consort with (and take donations from) Russian billionair­es who are no better than they ought to be.

We have no border with Russia, nor any other territoria­l, naval or economic conflict, and long ago lost the Indian empire that lay at their back door. We hardly trade with them.

I am pretty sure that they spend very little time thinking about us, except as a minor hanger-on of the USA. Do they really seek to intervene in our politics? For what end? They are a poor, under- populated country nearly 2,000 miles away, in serious danger of being bought up by China. And if they mount cyber-attacks on us, as I am sure they do, are we not doing the same to them?

I learned from the report that we now have something called a National Offensive Cyber Programme, whose title suggests that its staff might possibly engage in a little bit of electronic aggression from time to time. And quite right too.

Countries that don’t prepare for battle lose wars. But it is a bit ridiculous to have an offensive cyber programme and then moan self- righteousl­y when your target returns the favour.

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