The National (Scotland)

Orange Order walk blocked by councillor­s


AN Orange Order march in Stonehaven has been blocked following a vote by Aberdeensh­ire Council.

A notice of permission was brought before the Kincardine & Mearns Area Committee of Aberdeensh­ire Council yesterday, with councillor­s determinin­g that the parade could have been a threat to safety and community life, and had concerns over undue strain on the police force.

On leaving the meeting members of the Orange Order announced they will appeal the decision according to the Press & Journal newspaper.

They said: “We’ll march straight into the Sheriff Court.”

The walks are rare in the north-east of the country and the plans led to a huge backlash with nearly 10,000 people signing a petition calling for the parade to be banned, which was set to mark the opening of an Orange Lodge in Stonehaven on March 16.

The petition describes the march as “deeply rooted in sectariani­sm” and adds: “Not only would this event – with 200 marchers ‘bussed in’ – severely disrupt daily activities and cause significan­t traffic congestion, but it also risks poisoning our peaceful environmen­t.”

The National previously reported that a number of companies in Stonehaven indicated they would close should the parade go ahead.

David Walkers, executive officer at the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland, rejected accusation­s of “anti-Catholic and anti-Irish hostility” made against the procession by the petition.

“This is usually the allegation that is posted against us without any evidence to suggest that is the case,” he said.

“We’re a very peaceful organisati­on, all of our members conduct themselves in the proper manner.”

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