The Non-League Football Paper

Is fans’ banter a thing of the past? Harro-wing gate figure?


IN response to George Robinson’s question “What happened to fans banter? (Fans’ Forum, Feb 9), I would like to reassure him that it is very much alive and kicking at any Altrincham v Kettering game that he may wish to attend in the future.

Both sets of fans talking in the pub beforehand, shaking hands and talking during the half time change of ends and again at the final whistle with Altrincham fans passing the supporters coach at the end of the game wishing us a safe journey home.

It is a mutual respect between two teams that have shared a close rivalry over the past 40 years and long may it continue. JOHN CECIL

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I ABSOLUTELY agree with George Robinson’s take on fans’ banter.

He spoke about the ‘obnoxious ignoramuse­s’ with their comments spoiling supporters’ enjoyment at matches.

I support a Step 2 side who played away last weekend, and enjoyed a well deserved win.

But, some of the home supporters who walked past where we were sitting were uttering the most ignorant of comments towards us. These were middle aged men, not youngsters!

Comments that wouldn’t be appropriat­e in print!

It’s just a sad situation that there are people around like this. BUDVAR HOLLAND

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WHAT an impressive victory it was for Harrogate Town against title rivals Yeovil Town on Tuesday night.

Sadly, though, a crowd of just 801, for one of the biggest matches of the season, was not befitting of the occasion! THOMAS REILLY Bradford, W Yorks

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