The Oban Times

Iain Macfarlane launches new album


I’VE BEEN to a few great evenings in the stunning St Andrew’s in the Square over the last year or so; but not many so engaging as Iain Macfarlane’s album launch last Wednesday January 20.

Iain filled the evening with stories that had the audience in stitches.

Occasional­ly, he would even play some music.

The album, entitled The Gallop to Callop, took 10 days to record over three and a half years, he explained with a smile.

The Margaret Stewart Trio began the evening. Margaret held the audience in thrall with her uniquely clear voice, her immense stage presence and her knowledge of the songs - particular­ly those from the piping tradition.

Then on came Iain and his crew. No less than 12 musicians joined Iain on the stage, if we count the Margaret Stewart trio who came on again as an encore.

The famous Henderson clan were out in full force - Ewen and Allan on the fiddle; Megan step- dancing as well as playing fiddle and harmonium; and Iain’s wife, Ingrid, on the piano and clarsach.

Iain Macdonald, with whom Iain Macfarlane recorded one of my all time favourite CDs The First Harvest some years ago, played the flute alongside Hamish Napier.

Ewan Robertson on guitar and James Lindsay on double bass completed the rhythm section.

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