The Oban Times

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With Harbour Bowl in the middle of Shore Street being demolished to make way for a new hotel, people had plenty to say about the expected traffic disruption­s... Tom Hayward said: Get used to it. Once the hotel starts operating that’s another 80 plus cars emptying into the roundabout, sometimes at the same time as a ferry. While Ken Johnston added: It’s been an eyesore for too long. Yeah, a bit of short term pain but this is a welcome addition. Bottom line is existing hoteliers will have to up their standards at a more affordable price to compete. And Andrew Sandilands had a few things to say about our deputy editor

and columnist!: I wish that Martin Laing (whoever he is ) would stop broadcasti­ng his opinions as they can be rather irritating. As expected our question ‘Is a second independen­ce referendum the right thing for Scotland?’ had people commenting...

Tony Garvey said: It’s not. Scotland voted against independen­ce and as part of Great Britain voted for Brexit. Now that a minority did not get the results they wanted they are sulking. Suck it up, that is why we have democracy. Definition of hypocrisy? Asking people to split a union because you’re upset they chose to split a union.

Tim Leahy said: A second independen­ce referendum is needed because the situation has changed. The first result was too close for a lifetime decision, too many promises were made, which just haven’t happened, Scotland voted to stay in the EU and its position is being ignored by Westminste­r. For these reasons alone there should be a second referendum. It doesn’t mean Scotland should automatica­lly be independen­t, just that Scottish people should have their voices heard!

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