The Oban Times

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A video on The Oban Times Facebook page which shows a dangerous overtaking manoeuvre by a car coming out of Connel prompted comment.

Laurie Cameron posted: ‘The idiots on the roads that cause the problems as myself and my son witnessed first hand this morning!! I was sitting waiting to pull out of Dunbeg when some idiot in an Astra overtook a pickup towing a boat right at the junction. First of all, it was busy due to the time of day, school time, but he crossed the double white lines proceeding to overtake in the filter lane for Dunbeg!! people take stupid risks all the time.’

Paul Smith recounted: ‘Had a Merc blind overtake me and a camper heading east on the Poppies corner last summer in the face of oncoming traffic. If I hadn’t stood on my brakes he would have had nowhere to go and folk would have died. Idiot is an understate­ment. You only see the police with blues and twos on the way to an accident! Where are they?’ Sarah Ann Rodgers wrote: ‘There have been enough fatalities on this road caused by reckless driving; the silver car barely got back into his lane and is a prime example of bad driving!’ Gordon Frame said: ‘The problem with dangerous speeding drivers on most roads in the UK is down to three things. There is not a big enough deterent! People who drive like this have no self-discipline or respect for the Highway Code and finally there are not enough traffic police out there to enforce the law! Make speeding fines a minimum of £1,000 then you might see them slow down. I read once that the automobile is the safest means of transport ... until you put a human behind the wheel then facts and figures show it then becomes the most dangerous!’ See the video and read the full story at

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