The Oban Times

Let’s all help with the big Oban spring clean


I STARTED this month wishing for it to be over and I can’t quite believe we only have one more week to go, writes BID4Oban town ambassador Kay McDonald.

We’ve been lucky enough to have plenty of snowy, bright days and the sight of the snow on the hills lit by the sun can’t fail to lift your spirits. It’s certainly helped to make the rainy days bearable.

We now have spring to look forward to with longer days and new growth making us think about tidying houses and gardens and our surroundin­gs in general.

Thanks should go to the fantastic volunteers at Hope Kitchen who have beavered away keeping the beaches clean all winter and the gentleman who keeps the verges and pavement between Oban and Dunbeg so well kept.

I’ve spotted a post on Facebook by Keep Oban Beautiful, who are taking it one step further and having an Oban spring clean on March 24 and 25, with as many people and organisati­ons as possible taking part.

I know it’s a few weeks away but it gives us time to talk to friends and family and get people organised to tackle their own wee area or part of the larger community.

All the details are on the Keep Oban Beautiful Facebook page and I think it’s a great idea. I know my own area could certainly do with a wee spring clean and it’s much more fun to tackle with other people.

There are quite a few people in our community who quietly go about their business tidying up after the rest of us and I personally am very grateful to them. They shouldn’t have to do it but what a guddle we would be in if they didn’t so, to each and every one of them, a huge thank you.

The photo last week would have been easier for those of you who attended old Rockfield School before it closed or who had children there as it was the mural on the wall of the back playground. This week’s photo needs you to keep looking up, but don’t trip while you are.

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