The Oban Times

Stepping out for weekend of dance

- KAY MCDONALD Atlantis Leisure held its first dodgeball competitio­n last month.

ANOTHER Highland & Islands Music and Dance Festival is upon us, the 35th Festival, would you believe, and I think it may be one of the best yet.

As well as all the competitio­ns there is an open mic and lots of very talented artists playing in Station Square on Saturday – if you’re about it’s well worth you coming along to listen.

The competitio­ns themselves are also fantastic. Last year I was blown away by how talented everyone was, and also by the enthusiasm and dedication they had to their craft. It was a nice break from ordinary life to sit and watch and listen to such talent.

To top off the weekend, on Saturday there is the Festival Ceilidh Dance in the Argyllshir­e Gathering Hall with Ceilidh’s Homet, a perfect way to finish the festival by having a wee dance.

My colleague Joe and I start being Town Ambassador­s again this weekend.

I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed the weather this summer will be better than last year, but for our visitors it doesn’t seem to make much difference as they just love being here. But for our new Oban Walking Tours it would be nice if it was at least dry for most of them, although I suppose it just adds to the atmosphere for the legends of giants and hounds.

Don’t forget, free tours are available from this Saturday until Tuesday May 15, so call 01631 569915 if you would like to take part.

Last week’s photo was a really lazy one, it was our office window on Stevenson Street. I hope you can guess this week’s, people keep telling me it’s difficult, so maybe this will be a bit easier.

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