The Oban Times

Communitie­s let down by ferry issues


At their meeting held at Largs and Millport on April 19 and 20, the Community Board was unanimous in delivering a strong message to CalMac’s managing director, Robbie Drummond, and other members of the management team.

Overwhelmi­ngly, the main concern was that measures being taken to deal with a recent vessel breakdown are failing to prevent major disruption bringing significan­t economic damage and having a detrimenta­l impact on individual and family life. Cuts in timetabled sailings, deployment of vessels with inadequate capacities and inability to book even available space in some cases are all adversely impacting communitie­s and the sustainabi­lity of businesses.

While the board recognised that CalMac has to operate with the resources available to it, there was huge frustratio­n that, when at peak times and periods of full capacity, the service is at serious risk if even one vessel is out of action.

The board has offered to work positively with CalMac in formulatin­g a plan, including more robust contingenc­y and prioritisa­tion measures, which will help to protect the lifeline services in the short, medium and longer term.

Areas such as fleet resilience, maintenanc­e/dry docking, purchase/ charter of additional tonnage and crew transferab­ility will all be included in the mix. Mr Drummond has accepted the offer and a small group of Community Board members has been identified to start working with CalMac, CMAL and Transport Scotland as soon as possible.

The board feels it can contribute a legitimate community perspectiv­e to future planning decisions that will affect the service and communitie­s in the network.

Communicat­ions have also been a serious issue and it is important that not only should these be consistent but they must be informativ­e and comprehens­ive and take into account the likely effects in all relevant communitie­s. Again the Communitie­s Board has offered assistance to CalMac in this area and this has been accepted.

The Communitie­s Board is focused on working with CalMac, Transport Scotland, CMAL and other stakeholde­rs to address weaknesses and to identify measures to initiate improvemen­ts in line with community expectatio­ns and needs. Angus Campbell, Chairman,

CalMac Community Board.

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