The Oban Times

Our story about the weeds infesting Oban beach struck a chord with readers.


Lucy Garthwaite: ‘Our environmen­t is becoming so sterile, everything cut back to within an inch of its life or blasted with weed killers. What is so wrong with leaving an area to naturalise with wild plants and flowers. Folks should be more concerned with litter and go pick it up instead of moaning about it and blaming the council.’

Sarah Clarke: ‘Marine plants growing on the shore line - it’s natural And part of the eco system - haven for the ducks - the beach is clean of rubbish that’s the main eyesore - this is lovely - maybe someone should catalogue the diversity of the plants.’ Milly Odonnell: ‘It does look untidy compared to rest of the town!’ Annie Atwood: ‘Please clean up the beach what a shame.’

Toni Cooke: ‘Looks more like a field terrible.’ Christina Turtle: ‘Nature! I’d be more concerned with the oil on the water and the rubbish that is washed up!’ Derek Snedden: ‘Take a walk around Loch Etive at Connel ...... RAW SEWAGE pumped straight in .... Looks Stunning ..... and smells like, well, Sewage.’

 ??  ?? Oban beach has become overgrown.
Oban beach has become overgrown.

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