The Oban Times

Spring and sea shanties = smiles


Spring is sprung, thank goodness, and what a difference it makes waking up to the occasional nice morning instead of howling wind and rain – it puts a wee spring in your step and a smile on your face.

We have lots to look forward to this year and attending the West Coast Waters conference last week run by Argyll and the Isles Tourism Co-operative and Highlands and Islands Enterprise really emphasised that. Their campaign videos, which are starting to appear on social media now, are stunning and they certainly show this part of the world at its very best.

The event I’m really excited about at the moment is the first Oban Internatio­nal Sea Shanty Festival, which will take place over June 5-7, with bands coming from as far afield as Canada and France.

This is only the second time that a sea shanty festival has taken place in Scotland, although in other areas it’s a massive event with fans who go from place to place and country to country.

It’ll be fantastic to welcome new people to the area and show them what Oban has to offer.

As well as experience­d sea shanty singers, we’re looking for the whole community to be involved – from schools to existing choirs and groups of singers – so if you’re part of a group which thinks this might be fun, even for one or two songs, then get in touch with the BID4Oban office and let us know.

The festival will take place in all sorts of venues around the town both indoors and out and there’s scope for everyone to be involved – details of which will be coming soon.

The photograph last week was of the Scottish Natural Heritage office which is at the top of Albany Street. This week’s photograph is to celebrate the arrival of spring, but where is it?

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