The Oban Times

Council agrees to meet Islay parents over school concerns


Argyll and Bute Council has agreed to meet parents over their concerns about the condition of Islay High School.

The school’s parent council previously said its complaints were falling on deaf ears.

Speaking to The Ileach, the chairwoman of the Islay High School Parent Council, Claire Fletcher, said: ‘We have full respect and admiration for the staff at the school, but they spend their time fire-fighting and juggling one staffing crisis to the next.’

The report stated the building had fungi growing on the walls, a leaking roof which was bowing in places, missing tiles, windows that were not waterproof, as well as a failing heating system. The toilets were also said to be inadequate and the canteen was too small for the number of pupils.

Alastair Redman highlighte­d the issues when he met depute leader of the council, Gary Mulvaney, last week.

Councillor Redman said: ‘I brought up the recent power cuts in my council ward and the need to invest much needed funds in Islay High School’s ageing building. It’s essential that the Kintyre and Islands ward is not sidelined when it comes to much-needed public spending.’

A spokespers­on for Argyll and Bute Council said: ‘We have already earmarked £95,000 for remedial works at Islay High School. Considerab­le further investment in the school is also due to be discussed. Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, the council’s policy lead for education, and the executive director have offered to meet with the parent council to discuss their concerns.’

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