The Oban Times

Adopt a red phone box in Lochaber for just £1


A book swap, a cake booth, local informatio­n point or a safe place to keep a community defibrilla­tor – iconic red phone boxes have their uses for 21st century living.

BT has nearly 600 of the phone boxes across Scotland up for adoption by communitie­s for just £1.

All adoption requests will be considered, says BT, unless they need to keep a box for another use.

Since 2008, 482 phone boxes across the country have been taken on by communitie­s through BT’s Adopt a Kiosk programme. Redundant phone boxes, once a lifeline of communicat­ion before the arrival of mobile phones, have been transforme­d into everything from defibrilla­tor units and mini history museums to art galleries and book exchanges.

Alan Lees, BT Enterprise unit director for Scotland, said: ‘With most people now using mobile phones, it’s led to a huge drop in the number of calls made from payphones. At the same time, mobile coverage

Baked goodies and maps are sold from the phone box on Lismore.

has improved significan­tly in recent years due to investment in masts, particular­ly in rural areas.

‘We’re currently rationalis­ing our payphone estate to make it fit for the future and the Adopt a Kiosk scheme makes it possible for communitie­s across Scotland to retain their phone box, with a refreshed purpose.

‘Thousands of communitie­s have already come up with a fantastic array of ideas to reuse their beloved phone box. Applying is quick and easy and we’re always happy to speak to communitie­s about adopting our phone boxes.’

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