The Oldie

Feminist and proud


SIR: I have just begun reading the November issue of The Oldie and find myself fuming. Simon Carr (Res Publica: ‘Where vicious misogyny is excused’) clearly seeks out strange people in order to denigrate a majority and help fuel racial and feminist hatred. As a female of some substantia­l years I totally challenge his viewpoint. I lived in the Middle East for thirteen years and accept that in many instances life is extremely tough on women. I also saw the complete opposite, with Muslim fathers educating their daughters and wanting them to have a fulfilled working life; also several men who married for love women of a different race or culture. Mansplaini­ng is utterly rife in this country and as I get older it becomes more common. I am often treated like an idiot by mid-level male executives who assume I’m just a little woman who has obviously done nothing with her life. As a working woman I would have had the power to hire and fire them. Many women like me actively campaign against genital mutilation and other such horrendous injustices. It wasn’t so long ago in this country that a working woman seeking credit could only get it with a male guarantor, and a man beating his wife was considered normal. Even now there are many women in prison who, in sheer desperatio­n with a violent partner, have hit out and killed or mutilated him. America is going backwards with its pro-life beliefs; we are not even allowed control over our own bodies. I’m your typical feminist, Mr Carr. Natasha Ogilvie, Rockbeare, Exeter.

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