The Oldie

I loved my puppet

- – by Norman Tebbit

The really important thing about my Spitting Image puppet was that he was always a winner.

Typical of that was a sketch where he was in the cab of a heavy lorry in which Margaret Thatcher and President Mitterrand were struggling with the steering wheel; he to turn left and she to turn right. My puppet produced his knuckle-dusters to rap Mitterrand’s knuckles and concede control to Margaret Thatcher.

It was that combinatio­n of being willing to use violence and emerging the winner that made him appealing to the bovver boys, typically the Milllwall football supporters.

When I was returning to London from Merseyside on a Sunday evening and discovered there was no dining car, even in the firstclass section of the train, I found myself in the buffet bar. It was packed with Millwall supporters returning from a match against Liverpool – which their team had lost.

I was recognised and there were cries of ‘Where’s your bike, Norm?’ and ‘Where’s your Spitting Image?’

At the time, John Major’s government was denational­ising British Rail and some of them raised the matter.

I tried to explain that while BR needed huge investment, its demand would always be pushed out of the Government’s spending plans in favour of the NHS or defence. I was not winning the argument – until there was a great shout of ‘You’re right, Norm! They have just run out of beer. Only a nationalis­ed pub would run out of beer on a Saturday night.’

I returned to my compartmen­t with a half-bottle of BR red wine to while away the journey.

On arrival at Euston, as I began to walk across the concourse, I was surrounded by the Millwall supporters. ‘We will escort you to your car, Norm,’ one of them announced.

‘I haven’t got a car here,’ I said. ‘I’m going to take a cab.’

The chap was not to be put off. ‘Then we will escort you to the cab rank,’ he said, adding, ‘We’ve made up a song – In Praise of Norm.’

The effect on other travellers was remarkable. They scattered in all directions. And I owed it all to my Spitting Image puppet. I am grateful to him.

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