The Pembrokeshire Herald

Wealth , power and privilege grave in the same nation. Why?

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Sociology is the educated study of what citizens consider best in the various relationsh­ips within society, where some babies are born to grotesque level of wealth, power and privilege, for no justifiabl­e reason, while others are trapped in poverty, from cradle to

Some people have suggested the nation’s wealth should be redistribu­ted more evenly, partly by taxation of billionair­es, and also by Government modificati­on of large private Corporatio­ns, in a partial Nationalis­ed control of standards, bringing some element of social justice to Britain, after centuries of deliberate deprivatio­n.

Conservati­ve economics makes little effort to develop lives of all the next generation, in basic conditions such as a family home, and so creates much of the crime, both at the bottom, and at the top of society.

17 million British Conservati­ve voters prefer an unjust society. When I ask Conservati­ve acquaintan­ces, to justify in any way, why Bank Directors should have the power to raise their salary above £5 million pa, or why the Chairman of a Power Company has decided to pay himself £8 million pa, none ever makes any coherent attempt to answer, beyond anger at me, for asking. There is no belief in social Justice, in their minds.

These adults seem very ignorant, with no knowledge of why Remunerati­on Committees were formed, and not a sensible word to say about their own worship of these wonderfull­y talented geniuses.

These Conservati­ve voters are emotionall­y controlled, without much intelligen­ce, by their worship of money, and the Donald Trumps and Elon Musks who have so much. During years when children’s minds developed to puberty and beyond, the advertisin­g and criminalit­y in Conservati­ve Market Forces and Media, has twisted what became the adult minds.

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