The Pembrokeshire Herald

Independen­t investigat­ion


A LEADING barrister will independen­tly review the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales after the dismissal of an investigat­or.

The Ombudsman’s office investigat­es complaints made by the public about public bodies and councillor­s accused of breaking their codes of conduct.

Two of the Ombudsman’s principles are impartiali­ty and independen­ce.

A series of social media posts by former Head Investigat­or Sinead Cook suggested she breached guidelines on political impartiali­ty.

Ms Cook used a Twitter account called @ Sweetlittl­eSewandsew and posted messages using the aliases Schnade Cee and Smoogi Cookster.

In one addressing Gary Lineker’s suspension from Match of The Day, Ms Cook

asked why people “are not talking about the fact the Government is trying to pass a Bill which is incompatib­le with the Human Rights Act and morally reprehensi­ble”, signing off: “F*** the Tories.”

Referring to Bridgend’s Conservati­ve MP, Jamie Wallis, she wrote: “If the people of Bridgend didn’t have a sense of humour, he would never have been elected.

“He’s a joke.”

She lambasted former PM Boris Johnson as “entitled” and told TV presenter Kirstie Allsopp to “speak to your Tory buddies about feeding kids in England”.

She also accused former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell of being an “awful human being” who was “spouting Tory nonsense back in the 90s”.

The Twitter account has now been deleted.

Welsh Conservati­ves seized upon her comments, which included a post praising former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, as evidence of political bias not only from Ms Cook but also on the part of the Ombudsman Service.

The key issue is not only actual bias but also the appearance of bias in decision- making.

Although Laboursupp­orting social media warriors pursued a reductive “Tories can’t take the truth” line regarding the scandal, it takes little effort to imagine how they’d react if the shoe were on the other foot.

Writing on the Conservati­ve Home website, Andrew RT Davies said: “Cook’s conduct is particular­ly egregious because of the nature of her role.

“As the Ombudsman’s Head of Investigat­ions, she was responsibl­e

 ?? ?? Michelle Morris: Public Services Ombudsman commission­s independen­t investigat­ion
Michelle Morris: Public Services Ombudsman commission­s independen­t investigat­ion

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