The People's Friend

An Idyllic Time


I loved reading the article on Applecross. My parents, along with my brother and I, moved to Kishorn from England about 1949 to look after a large hunting estate.

It was a wonderful life. We lived there for about six years. Our house in Kishorn overlooked the road to Applecross. What fun we had when Dad decided to drive to Applecross in an old Austin 7. The hairpin bends on the road were a challenge and he had to reverse three times to get round them!

All the names mentioned in your article – Tornapress, Torridon, Achintraid and Lochcarron – bring back so many childhood memories. The picture of Lochcarron even showed where we used to go to school. Mr Bain was the taxi driver who took us each day, and even in the worst winter snows he would put chains on the vehicle and off we would set along a very narrow road, with sheer drops at the side.

I have so many memories of the idyllic life we lived. Here’s a very old photo, which although in black and white, still shows the beautiful scenery.

Ms B.W., Essex.

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