The People's Friend

The Story So Far


TYLER CADY has come home from Maine to find his mother, BARBARA, has a lodger. British girl ELLEN FOLLETT is to assist campaign manager CINDY WARD, while Tyler’s brother-in-law, STEVE LEVEQUE, is running for Congress.

Tyler suspects his mother is trying to matchmake and keeps his distance, but he finds himself admiring Ellen when Cindy is rude to her at the campaign headquarte­rs. Even when Cindy takes her laptop without permission, Ellen remains profession­al.

Tyler distrusts Cindy. Did she hire Ellen to be a scapegoat if Cindy is up to something?

Ellen is taken to her first baseball game. She enjoys it, but spots Cindy there, talking to the man who used to be Steve’s political rival, GARY.

When Tyler voices his suspicions, Steve refuses to believe Cindy is a threat to the campaign. But he shows Tyler some threatenin­g notes he has received, telling him to pull out of the contest.

Tyler is shocked. No wonder his sister PATTIE has seemed so strained lately, if she’s been worried about her husband.

Ellen walks in just then and sees the notes.

“This is serious, Steve,” she says. “These are death threats!”

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