The People's Friend

Our monthly Pets & Vets page

Perfect Piggies!


FANCY a small pet? Guinea pigs are a great choice because they’re cute, quirky, lovable and active during the daytime. They can live indoors or outside, so you have options if someone at home is allergic to furry animals.

Guinea pigs have fantastic personalit­ies. They squeak with excitement when they’re expecting a meal, climb up the railings to greet you, and some enjoy a cuddle, although many prefer a hands-off approach.

They enjoy company and like to run around, so it’s important that they have a cage-mate and enough space to exercise. People often keep them in pairs.

The RSPCA recommend spacious accommodat­ion: at least a 2 x 4 ft hutch and a 4 x 4 ft run.

The hutch needs to be cleaned daily, but it’s quick to clean up: just line the hutch with newspaper, then remove soiled newspaper daily, when you give them fresh bedding and hay.

They should be fed twice a day, with guinea pig nuggets in the morning and fresh vegetables and fruit in the evening (or vice versa).

Rabbit nuggets are not suitable, as guinea pigs need extra vitamin C. They also need plenty of grass or hay to digest their food, so access to lots of hay is important.

Straw should not be given to guinea pigs as it’s not edible, is less suitable for bedding, and is more likely to cause eye irritation than hay, which is soft.

Guinea pigs are timid creatures and often skittish. They need to be kept safe from predators in secure accommodat­ion at night.

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