The People's Friend

From The Manse Window

From the manse window

- By Sister Tessa Fisk.

HOW quickly the time passes! It seems only yesterday when I was getting the crib ready for the blessing of the crib service, and putting the decoration­s for Christmas up in the church and my home.

I usually go back to my convent in London for Epiphany, a lovely feast which celebrates the arrival of the Magi at the crib after their long journey.

The Magi studied the stars and believed the oracle of Balaam the diviner when he prophesied, “I see him, but not in the present. I behold him, but not close at hand. A star from Jacob takes leadership.”

We now prepare for Easter. During these months we will contemplat­e the conception, the birth, the life, crucifixio­n, death and resurrecti­on of Jesus of Nazareth.

“God from on high will bring the rising sun to visit us, to give light to those who live in darkness.”

Four months spanning 30 years of family life, three years of ministry and all the years post resurrecti­on. The Alpha and the Omega.

Without faith and belief it is quite unbelievab­le.

The light of a star led the shepherds and the Magi to Jesus. During his ministry Jesus told the people, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark, they will have the light of life.”

For centuries Christians have found in Jesus the light by which they can live. Today Jesus needs those of us guided by the Holy Spirit to show this light in today’s culture, meeting people where they are.

Artists use brushes, paints and canvas to illustrate the gospel message, to keep faith alive. This must have been especially helpful to those who could not read or write.

Between 1853 and1904 the artist William Holman Hunt painted the same scene on three canvases to hang in different parts of the country.

The Light Of The World shows the figure of Jesus preparing to knock on an unopened door (our heart) overgrown with ivy.

The message is from Revelation­s: “Jesus, the saviour of the world, is alive and will dwell in the hearts of those who would admit him.”

This painting is still used today to help make our world a better place. When Pope Benedict was invited on a visit in 2010, it was used for the theme “Heart Speaks To Heart”.

A print of the painting hangs in most Roman Catholic churches to remind us of the visit, where many misunderst­andings between denominati­ons were healed.

We everyday folk have to think of practical ways to show people the potential of friendship with Jesus. We all know people who light up a room just by being themselves.

This year I have started a handicraft group, using the sacristy as a venue, with a notice in the main body of the church inviting visitors to “come and see” and have a cup of coffee.

We hope they will sense in the atmosphere a common bond, and they will go on with the day having experience­d “Heart Speaks To Heart”.

I am sure there are many ways we can come together to keep faith alive and bring the friendship of Jesus where it is unknown.

What do you think?

Next week: Rev. Susan Sarapuk explores ways to glorify God.

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